Chapter 32: Birth and a new life

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Can't believe it's already the last chapter of this story... I really hate coming to this point. But everything ends someday... 

I really hope you will like the last chapter. Please Enjoy <3 <3

EDIT: This is not the last chapter. The Epilogue turned out too long for one so I decided to upload it as Chapter 33 and a much shorter epilogue will follow :) 

Wei Ying's POV

"Wei Ying?" It was Wang Ji's voice that called my name and soon I felt the mattress give in. "Wei Ying, my love."

"I don't want this," I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. "That was not supposed to happen! I was supposed to go through this day and then leave with you. We were supposed to start a new life in the mortal realm, if I would have a child, it would have been yours. Why did end up like this? What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing, my love. You did nothing wrong."

"I did! I fell in love with the wrong man! I shouldn't have given my heart to your brother in the first place. I was young and stupid and fell for Lan Huan just because I felt different being with him than with others back then. I shouldn't have let my heart do what it wanted."

Wang Ji suddenly pulled the blanket away and joined me in bed. "Look at me, my love."

"Aren't you mad at me? I am carrying your brother's child in me. A child Lan Huan always wanted and he now forced me to have."

"Why should I be mad at you? My brother is the one I am mad at, but you. I never was and will never be. Yes, it's my brother's child but what's more important is that it's your child. Your flesh and blood."

"Wang Ji..." I turned to him. "Can we still leave?" I asked knowing fully well what his answer would be.

"Not when you are with child. We wouldn't be able to hide, they would find us. The child's spiritual power would lead them to us."

Suddenly I felt like throwing a tantrum. I was so mad that I wasn't even able to breathe properly.

"Calm down, my love. It's okay." Wang Ji soothed me, pulling me into his arms, and patted my back rhythmically.

"Why don't you hate me...?" I mumbled when I calmed down enough.

"How could I ever be able to hate you, Wei Ying? You are the love of my life. No matter what you do, I will still love you. Nothing of this is in any way your fault. Nothing, my love."

Then, for a long time, it was quiet in the room. I tried to figure out what to do. I wanted to leave with Wang Ji but couldn't because of the pregnancy. As much as I hated to be pregnant, this child was still innocent and I wouldn't try to end this pregnancy. Wang Ji was right. Albeit it was Lan Huan's child, it was mine too. Because of that fact alone, I wasn't able to hate it. I hated the pregnancy but not that son of mine for it was innocent.

"Wang Ji.... do you think he will have a good life here?" When Wang Ji looked at me in confusion I smiled. "I mean, he is a prince, right? He has rights. Didn't Baoshan Sanren say Wen Qing and I would give birth around the same time? I am the first consort so the next in line for the throne would be my son, right?"

"It's usually the oldest son. If both will be born at the same time, it's going to be my brother's decision who will inherit the throne. Also, if the oldest son is not fit to lead the empire my brother can still give the title of the crown prince to someone else."

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