Last Chapter: Fate

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As promised the new last chapter :) 

I hope you will enjoy <3 <3

Wei Ying's POV

My eyes fluttered slightly when I started to wake up. It was difficult to remember where I was and what happened. Was it morning? Or was it evening? Which day was it? I didn't know because the last few days have all been the same. Or was it weeks? Maybe even months?

I felt Wang Ji next to me. His body pressed into mine with no barrier between us. He wore nothing and neither did I. When was the last time I wore something? When was the last time I wasn't naked?

"You woke up, my love." Wang Ji's voice was right next to my ear and before I even could open my eyes, he was on top of me. I barely felt it when he entered me, that's how used I got to it, yet I couldn't prevent the moan from escaping my lips.

"I have been waiting for you to wake up." He whispered and hit my sweet spot several times, making me moan louder, my hands were barely strong enough to grab his forearms. I got hard and it didn't take long for me to come.

The last days or weeks or maybe even months have all been the same. All I needed to do was flatter with my eyes or move just the slightest bit for Wang Ji to know I was awake. He would immediately make love to me for hours. He would bring me breakfast, lunch, or dinner to bed, depending on what time it was. And the type of food was the only thing that would tell what time it was.

If I needed to use the toilet, he would carry me to the bathroom. Afterward, we would bathe together and he would devour me. When we came back to bed, it was freshly made and he would put me down, only to make love to me all over again until I passed out. Once I woke up, everything repeated itself, making me unable to know how much time passed since we came to the mortal realm.

Expect for a bath or using the toilet, Wang Ji wouldn't let me leave the bed. All we did was make love. I didn't hate it. Not at all. I wanted him just as much, even more than when we were still in the immortal realm. I knew why. Not only because I loved him so much but also because of the feeling I felt. It was the feeling of freedom.

I was free from all the grief and pain, I could be myself and I could be with my beloved Wang Ji openly. There was no need to hide. That was making me excited as it was an amazing feeling.

"S-slower... Wang Ji...I can't...." I moaned as he pounded into me with no restraint. His back was arched and shortly after he came. He rode his orgasm, hitting my sweet spot a few more times until he make me come once more before sinking onto my body, catching his breath while nibbling onto my neck.

I was out of breath as I hugged Wang Ji as tightly as my strength allowed me to. I knew this moment of peace and silence wouldn't last for long. Just a couple of minutes later, Wang Ji rose and went back to do what he was the best in. Making love to me, making me feel loved, making me never let this end. He was calling out my name often, he would kiss me, bite me, lick me. He would suck each part of my body while hitting my sweet spot ever so often. No part of my body wasn't marked by him. This lets others see who owned me and despite this ownership, I felt as free as ever before. Not that I got to see anyone ever since coming here. All I saw every day was Wang Ji, all I heard was him, and all I felt was just him. And I loved it. It was just him and me. Just us and our immortal love and our immortal hunger for each other.

The time we made love, the time we were deeply connected exceeded the time we weren't, making it feel weird when he left my hole and parted from me. He inside me was more normal to me than when he wasn't.

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