Chapter 11: 16 years later...

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Because I know how eager all of you have been waiting I will not hold a speech and we will go straight into the new chapter :) 

I hope you enjoy it <3 <3

Wei Ying's POV

16 years later

"Why are you always so happy?" That was a question I always wanted to ask him.

"Am I?"

"Yes," I said and looked up to him. "So how are you doing this?"

"How do you know I am happy right now?"

"I just know. I am pretty good at reading people. I always was. So? Tell me."

I was currently laying on the ground and playing with the black bunny which seemed to feel very comfortable on my chest. It was pretty old already and I was sure it wouldn't take long before he would close his eyes forever. Bunnies only age up to 9, mostly 10 years old but the black bunny was challenging mother nature with all its might.

Wang Ji was sitting next to me playing with a bunch of white bunnies. "I am happy."

"I know. But how come you are always happy?" I really wanted to know. I knew him for 16 years and whenever we met he was happy. His aura was glowing and from time to time he would smile just like that.

Suddenly his eyes met mine and he tilted his head slightly. "Aren't you happy?"

I blinked and avoided his eyes. I looked up to the sky as I absentmindedly stroked my little womb. Was I happy?

Most of the time I was, yes. For example right now. Laying on the grass, having a bunch of bunnies hopping everywhere, Wen Ning sitting a few meters away trying to not suffocate with all the bunnies jumping on him nonstop, and being with Wang Ji.

Being the crown prince, Lan Huan had many duties. He was very busy every day and we seldom saw each other. But Lan Huan would always make sure to come home at night. No matter how much work he had to do he would always spend the night with me. We would talk, cuddle or we would just sleep.

But of course, not everything was perfect. There were times when I was feeling .... depressed. Maybe not that bad but close to it.

"Did you fight with my brother?" Wang Ji asked and looked at me in worry. I couldn't help but smile. It's been many years now and my brother-in-law didn't change at all. Everyone thought he was a cold person and didn't like people. But that was wrong. I figured that out the more time I have spend with him. Wang Ji was just a very quiet person. While everyone thought he liked to be alone and only wants to spend time with all his bunnies, I saw the real Wang Ji.

Lan Wang Ji, the second prince of the heavenly realm, was a lonely prince. Yes, he was a quiet person and did like his surroundings to be quiet as well, but that didn't mean wanted to stay alone for the rest of his life. And as he was an immortal, it was a very very long time.

"No, not really," I answered his question. It was true, Lan Huan and I didn't fight. We never did since the day we met. There was never a reason for a fight because Lan Huan was pampering me nonstop. He was showering me with his love and fulfilled my wishes before I even said them. He also often brought me gifts.

That sounded like heaven, didn't it? But it wasn't like that. Getting gifts and getting my wishes fulfilled didn't fill the gap that I felt, didn't fill the loneliness. I didn't want to be alone but with Lan Huan having to do what a crown prince has to do, I was left alone at our palace. Sure, I had Wen Ning but it wasn't the same. ... I couldn't describe it but I needed someone I could talk to. And that someone turned out to be Wang Ji.

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