Chapter 8: Pregnant

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Let's start with the new chapter, shall we? 

Enjoy <3 <3

3rd POV

The emperor heard of the rumors about Wei Ying being pregnant and didn't believe it. He thought that the crown prince was trying to force him to accept Wei Ying as the crown prince's main consort. These thoughts made him feel different things.

As a father, he was disappointed that his son tried to force him to do something. As an emperor, he was amazed and satisfied that the future emperor would be someone who knew what he wanted and wouldn't let others change his mind.

But the emperor was also clueless about how to handle this situation. He wanted to fulfill his promise to the late empress and allow the crown prince to marry someone he loved. In his opinion, he already did enough by allowing him to marry Wei Ying as a second consort. He also wanted his son to be happy.

But as the emperor, he couldn't allow Wei Ying to be the main consort because he couldn't possibly be the future empress and hope of the heavenly realm. The main consort of a crown prince was the future empress of the heavenly realm and had many tasks. She had a duty to fulfill. She has to rule alongside the emperor, she has to maintain peace in the immortal realm and well as in the imperial harem. She has to be a role model and wasn't allowed to be weak neither mentally nor physically. Also, what was even more important, she had to give birth to an heir.

Wei Ying was a mortal man who wasn't suited to be placed on the throne next to the emperor. Especially as he would die even before the crown prince would inherit the throne.

All in all, Wei Ying was not the right person. But due to the crown prince's feelings as well as the fact that Wei Ying saved him and seemed to have mutual feelings, the emperor agreed to let the crown prince marry him.

"Your majesty! Your majesty!" The emperor's most trusted servant, Feng Ming Jing, run into the throne room.

"Stop running!" The emperor ordered and the servant immediately reduced speed and walked toward him in a fast but normal manner. "What is the matter?"

"The seer, your majesty!"

"What is with her? Is she leaving?"

"She agreed to meet Wei Ying."

The emperor rose from the throne and looked at the servant in surprise. "She agreed? Just like that? What exactly happened?"

"His highness the crown prince sent the imperial doctor to ask for the seer's audience to check on Wei Ying due to the result of the imperial doctor's examination. She immediately agreed to meet Wei Ying. She is already on her way!"

"That is-" The emperor was speechless. A seer agreeing on seeing a mere mortal because of a baseless rumor? A seer was powerful and wouldn't do things she saw as unnecessary but she agreed to a visit just like that? That wasn't possible!

A seer wasn't interested in other people's affairs, not even the affairs of the imperial family. She wouldn't even meet the emperor just because he would ask her to. There were rules and the seers always followed them. So when she agreed ...

"Let's go to the crown prince's palace!" The emperor ordered and immediately went on his way, his servant following closely.

'If she agreed to it easily means there must be a reason. A seer wouldn't do something unreasonable. She must know something. She must have seen something! Is it possible that the boy is actually able to get pregnant!? But he is a mortal! He couldn't possibly be pregnant... ' The emperor was deep in thoughts and the more he thought about the current situation, the more he was sure that pregnancy was impossible. But... why would a seer agree to a visit?

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