Chapter 23: The Date

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Wei Ying's POV

Wen Ning followed me closely to not be left behind. It happened once and ever since he tried to memorize the way we walked to enter Wang Ji's beautiful garden but he soon had to accept that we never took the same path twice. How this was possible? Because once the right path was walked successfully, the walls moved, and soon a new one was created.

I didn't realize it at first but after so many years, it was only natural for me to understand how this labyrinth worked. One would only find out if they had taken the right path once. But no one was able to do that except me....

I had no reason to reveal the truth. It was Wang Ji's and my little secret.

Soon we left the labyrinth and entered Wang Ji's garden. Long before we did, I heard a piece of beautiful calming music and knew that Wang Ji was playing his zither again. The melody was beautiful but it sounded quite sad. I followed the tunes and soon arrived where Wang Ji sat on the green grass with his back facing me.

I knew he knew I was here because suddenly the melody changed and it sounded a lot different. The sadness was gone and was replaced by the feeling of warmth, happiness, and, most importantly, love. I couldn't help but smile as I approached him. He did not once stop playing, not even when I sat down next to him and leaned my head on his broad shoulder. He tilted his head and soon I felt his cheek on my forehead.

"What made you upset?" I asked him softly as I watched his fingers glide over the strings.

"My father." He answered quietly.

"I saw him standing in front of your palace with yet another beautiful lady...."

"Not beautiful."

I chuckled. "You know her?"

"I saw her a few times when she attended together with her father but I don't know her. I don't see any reason to look at someone who is not you."

"You sure know how to flirt." I didn't even try to hide my blushing face. "Do you think I am beautiful then?"

"Compared to a mortal, you are the most beautiful one I have ever seen."

"So that means I am not beautiful when compared to immortals?" I frowned at him but more in amusement than in anger.

"You are beautiful even for an immortal."

"But not as beautiful as the immortal woman here." I pouted and Wang Ji stopped playing. He turned to me and held my face gently in his hands.

"No one can compare to you. Whereas you might not look as beautiful as them, your inner beauty shines brighter than everyone else's. Looks are not important when it comes to feelings. Wei Ying. No one ever had me as spellbound as you." He said as his thumb gently stroked over my lips.

"I spellbound you?" I asked him and smiled seeing his aura turn into a soft red, getting more intense the longer we looked at each other. I reached for him, wrapped my arms around his neck, and hid my face in the crook of it. I took in the sweet and woody scent of sandalwood which was part of him.

We stayed like this for quite some time. It felt so good to smell him, to feel him, to be with him.

Wang Ji's lips met my neck and softly brushed against it, making me shiver. I leaned back a bit and looked into his eyes before moving closer and letting my nose nudge his, his eyes never leaving those of mine.

The air around us turned tense as we stared at each other, waiting for the other to take the first step. It was like a battle where there was no loser. No matter who would give in, at the end of the day, both would get what they wanted, what they needed.

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