Chapter 19: Talk with Wen Qing

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Here I am with the new chapter. I know it always takes longer to update, but I don't have much time during the week. I hope you will understand. :) 

Let's get straight into the new chapter <3  

Wei Ying's POV

While I felt embarrassed about my dreams just seconds ago, that was long forgotten as now I was feeling irritated. Enraged even. How could Wen Qing show up here? What did she want? She never came to me in all these three years. She never apologized nor tried to explain herself. Not that there was something she could explain except for being a husband-stealing woman.

"What does she want?" I growled and Wen Ning shook his head.

"I don't know. Shall I send her away?" He asked me and I thought for a moment before getting up.

"Actually, no. I think it is about damn time I have a word with her. For the last three years, I felt like walking on eggplants, scared I might run into her and Lan Huan. Seeing them from afar is one thing, standing in front of them is something else. Where is she?"

"Outside the palace. I didn't allow her inside."

"Let her come in. I don't want to make a scene while everyone is watching us."

"Yes, your highness."

Wen Ning left and I paced around in the room. I didn't know what to say to Wen Qing. I wanted to tell her my opinion but I was scared of what others might think of me. She was the mother of the future emperor after all.

'Stop being scared, Wei Ying. You have every right to tell her your opinion. So what if you hurt her feelings? So what others will point their fingers at you and talk behind your back? They are doing it already anyway!'

Wen Ning came back. "She is now in the meeting room."

I nodded. "Are you okay?"

"I don't see why I shouldn't be fine. She is in the wrong. I guess on her mind is only his highness the crown prince and her son. She never came to visit me, never came to apologize after stealing someone else's husband away. I don't have a sister like that." He answered with a frown. "I am fine, your highness."

He was lying. He wanted to think like this but at the end of the day, they are still siblings. Wen Ning is disappointed in his sister, he felt betrayed and hurt and probably won't be able to forgive her. Just like I couldn't hate Lan Huan, Wen Ning couldn't hate his sister. That was what love was about.

"Do you want to wait here?" I asked him and he shook his head with a frown.

"I will accompany you, your highness."

I nodded and took a deep breath. "Then let's go."

Wen Qing was sitting on a chair and was playing with her fingers. It was obvious that she was nervous and that told me that she knew about her deeds.

"What do you want?" I asked her, not wasting time on a proper greeting.

Yet, she stood up and bowed to me. I ignored her and sat down on a seat farthest away from her with Wen Ning standing next to me. Wen Qing tried to make eye contact with her brother but the latter ignored her. He didn't feel well meeting her and because I felt the same I wanted to end this quickly.

"What do you want?" I asked again, this time more impatiently.

"You highness, I am here to ask you for two favors. I know!" She emphasized the last two words. "I know that I have no right for that but-"

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