Chapter 3: Realization

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I hadn't much time to write this week so I am one day too late... 

Sorry for that.... :(

I hope you will enjoy the new chapter  <3 <3

Lan Huan's POV

I laughed at myself.

I? Jealous of Wang Ji? Of course, I wasn't. If I really meant that for real I deserved a slap across my face. I had no reason to be jealous at all. It's the opposite. I blamed myself for not being able to help my brother at all. Wang Ji seldom walked out of his palace. He never took part in the court sessions and would attend a banquet only if his presence was required.

He never asked for anything. Not because he wasn't interested but because he didn't want to covet something I might have taken an interest in without him knowing. It happened a lot when we were children... The only way I could change that was to step back and let my brother choose first. If there was something I wanted but Wang Ji chose it first, I let him have it without letting others know. But when Wang Ji grew up he learned to tell at first glance what I liked and would always choose something else. It was similar to how I could tell what he thought by just looking at him. We were truly brothers.

"Why are you smiling?" Wei Ying asked visibly confused.

"Nothing. I just thought about my brother and how similar we both are."

"Are you twins?"

"No." I laughed. "But we do look similar to each other. Others might think we are twins."

"So he must be handsome as well." Wei Ying nodded to himself.

"He is." I agreed. "What separates us the most is our personality. He is a shy person, well others call him cold but once you get to know him you know he is everything but cold. His hobbies are playing with his bunnies and playing his favorite instrument, the zither."


"Yes. He loves them since he was a child. He started with 9 but now he has ... I actually don't know the exact number. Only my brother does."

"What is his name?" Wei Ying asked me.

"Lan Wang Ji." I answered him and carefully dropped his hair I finished combing. "Done."

Wei Ying turned around and looked at my stomach. "Hmm... Originally I thought it would need at least three to four weeks for them to heal but I guess after two weeks the cuts might be gone. I didn't know my ointments and medical soups are that amazing..."

I smiled. My body healed faster because I was an immortal but, of course, I wouldn't tell him that. Mortals didn't know about our existence and it should be kept like that.

I watched how Wei Ying took a set of garments and then turned around to give them to me. "Here, get dressed. It might be a little short but It should be okay." He said and grabbed his set of garments to get dressed. I couldn't help but watch him.

I noticed it the moment I saw him after I opened my eyes. Wei Ying was truly beautiful. I know he didn't want me to call him that but I couldn't help it. His skin was flawless. No scars, no imperfections. That was very rare for a mortal and if I didn't know it better I would have thought he was an immortal. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

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