Chapter 21: I belong to you

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Today is the day!! Here is the next chapter. I hope you will enjoy it <3 <3

Wei Ying's POV

It was early in the morning. As it was still dark outside it was not even 5 am. Usually, I would sleep at least until 7 but not today. I didn't know what woke me up but it perhaps could have been my stiff body. I was sore but still able to move. This feeling was new to me and I couldn't help but remember what had happened a few hours earlier.

I turned my head and my gaze fell on Wang Ji who was laying right next to me, still sleeping. His eyes were closed, a smile on his lips. It was the first time I have ever seen his sleeping face. He looked so breathtakingly beautiful, like an angel. I stared at him for a long time, smiling to myself.

My fingers itched to touch his face but I didn't, in fear I might wake him up.

I remembered everything that had happened between us. Everything. I expected to feel regret but that wasn't the case. No, I didn't regret anything. If I could turn back time I would do it again. No, I would have done it even sooner. Last night was something I always wanted without knowing it. Why was I so clueless? Why didn't I realize my feelings for Wang Ji sooner, my longing for him? I couldn't explain it.

I watched him rhythmically breathing in and out, indicating he was sleeping. In the end, I couldn't stop myself and raised my hand to touch him. I softly caressed his brows. My hands went lower to his nose and slightly bumped it with my index finger before moving even slower, stroking over his closed lips which lit a small fire within me. And the memories of last night didn't help to extinguish it.

I wanted to kiss him, connect our lips and never let go. My heart filled with so many emotions that I could barely concentrate on anything. I didn't even realize that two golden irises were watching me. Only when I felt a soft kiss on my fingers did I meet his gaze.

No one said a word. We were just observing each other. I watched closely, checked his features, and the look in his eyes, and understood right away. He didn't regret a thing either. Just like me, he didn't regret what happened last night.

That made me indescribably happy and I smiled up at him. His eyes immediately turned darker and he leaned into me. I expected a rough kiss but it was a soft one instead. He gently pressed his lips on mine. It was gentle yet so emotional that I reached out for his cheeks, palmed them, and pulled him closer. He let it happen and we drowned in a passionate kiss. His tongue asked for entry and I parted my lips eagerly to let him in.

A war began and this time I wanted to dominate. I wanted to dominate Wang Ji. I didn't give up, my tongue fought him until finally, he gave up. I won. I knew he let me win but that didn't matter. Dominating him felt so... satisfying.

After minutes we let go of each other and returned to just observing each other. His hands were on my naked hip, slowly caressing it. My hands remained at his cheeks, stroking them ever so softly.

"Since when?" I asked him the question I wanted to know the most. "When did you-?" I couldn't even finish the question as Wang Ji answered instantly, knowing exactly what I wanted to know.

"Ever since I met you." He confessed and I widened my eyes in shock.


"When I met you, I immediately felt drawn to you. I couldn't explain it. I didn't even know you. Yet, the connection was there. It was one meeting and I knew I wanted to be with you. But... you were with my brother already. The two persons I love loved each other. You were happy. Confused about my brother's identity, yes, also about the existence of immortals. You were scared too. But despite that you were happy so I had to step back. Seeing you happy was all I needed to see. All I wanted. As long as you were happy, I would be it too."

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