Chapter 20: Giving up and giving in

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Here we are!! The new chapter with that one part everyone was waiting for. It was a little difficult to write but I am satisfied with the outcome ^^

11.000 words... that was so not planned...  xD xD 

I hope you enjoy this chapter <3 <3 <3

Wei Ying's POV

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to make an announcement." The emperor said and stood up. The conversations on every table faded away as every head in the room turned to him. I had difficulties following suit as Wang Ji's eyes held me captivated.

"As all of you know, three years ago our crown prince was gifted with a son, the future emperor of the heavenly realm. Three years passed since then and I think it's about time we start to follow the customs and let the first and only consort of Lan Huan, prince Wei Ying, raise him."

That was what made me break the eye contact with Wang Ji and turn to the emperor. 'Excuse me!?'

"Due to the loss of our fifth princess, I didn't think it was a good idea to force the heir into prince Wei Ying's arms. He was still in mourning which is understandable. Now, three years later, I think he is ready to fulfill his duty and raise the future emperor." The emperor turned to me and smiled brightly. "What do you think, Wei Ying?"

There was a murmur and everyone started to look at me, including Lan Huan, who squeezed my hand. From the corner of my eyes, I could see that Lan Huan was surprised at the announcement but seemed to be pleased. He smiled at me, waiting for my answer.

Not that I had a choice or anything. It was custom for the first consort to raise the children of the concubines. Now I also understood why Wen Qing came to me and begged me days ago. As she lived at the emperor's palace it was only natural that she overheard this topic.

No first consort would deny raising another woman's child, especially if it's an heir. But I was different. I didn't want to raise that child. Not that I had anything against him, not at all. But why should I raise the child of someone Lan Huan cheated on me with? It would have been another topic if I knew about their doings and would have agreed to it like it was normally the case within the royal harem, but I didn't. Lan Huan betrayed me and had a child with Wen Qing.

I have nothing against the child but I would never agree to raise him. Moreover, it was an immortal baby. He would stay an infant for the next 100 years. Not like my daughters who grew up at normal speed as a mortal. That meant I would have to raise an infant born by someone else for the rest of my life until I die. Could that even be called a life?

I knew I promised to fulfill my duties but that went too far. I was about to tell them about my opinion when someone else raised their voice.

"You want a mortal to raise an immortal? Not that I don't have any faith in prince Wei Ying's abilities to raise a baby. Seeing how the princesses were raised and turned out proved his abilities in raising children. But the princesses were mortal, they grew up at the same pace as prince Wei Ying. The crown prince's son is immortal and I don't think it would be a good idea to let a mortal raise him."

"Why not?" Lan Huan next to me asked that person who turned out to be the prime minister. "He did a perfect job raising our children and I am sure he is also capable to raise my son despite him being immortal. Don't assume things if you don't know him as well as I do!"

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