Chapter 13: Betrayal

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First of all, Happy birthday, ChristinaMoldenhauer <3 <3 I hope you have/had a wonderful birthday. 

I am on time and hope you will like the new chapter :) 

Enjoy <3 <3

Wei Ying's POV

I was sitting in the bathtub and tried to figure out what happened earlier but no matter how much I tried, I couldn't. I felt that something changed but couldn't figure out what exactly it was. This feeling irritated me a little and so I tried not to think too much of it.

"Your highness?" Wen Ning called me and I looked up at him.


"The crown prince is about to arrive."

I widened my eyes in surprise and couldn't help but smile. "Already? But it is still early in the afternoon." I said and got up quickly.

"Careful, your highness!"

"I am not made of glass." I chuckled but slowed down and let Wen Ning help me get out of the tub and into the bathrobe. Just as I was cuddled up in these comfortable clothes, I heard Lan Huan's voice.

"Wei Ying?"

"I am here," I answered and left the bathroom with Wen Ning following me closely. "What happened? You are so early today."

Lan Huan grinned and kissed me on my forehead. "I decided to skip my duties for the rest of the day."

"But Lan Huan! You shouldn't do that..." I reprimanded him but secretly felt delighted.

"You know what I shouldn't do either? Neglecting my consort."

I couldn't suppress my grin anymore. "That's more like it. It's so difficult to spend time with you. If that continues I might as well attend the court every day. At least that way I will have more time with you."

"You missed me that much?" Lan Huan caressed my cheeks as he stared at my lips.

"What does that mean? You don't miss me?" I challenged him and he suddenly hugged me tightly.

"I miss you so much, Wei Ying. So much that it hurts...." His aura changed and he was suddenly very sad and depressed.

"Hey... did something happen?"

"Nothing happened. I am just unworthy of you..." His lips pressed against my neck.

"Now, now. Why do you think like that? I indeed get quite upset that you don't have much time for me but that doesn't mean you are unworthy of me. I knew it could turn out like this when I agreed to marry you."

"No, Wei Ying. I am really unworthy of you. I love you so much, I could give my life for you. Yet I am being like this...."

He behaved more strangely from day to day. Something was bothering him. Something, that made him believe he was unworthy of me.

I couldn't possibly imagine what would make him unworthy of me. Despite having not much time with me, he was giving me all his love and more. He was loving and pampering me as if there was no tomorrow.

"Wei Ying...." He called me and led my hand to his heart which beat very fast. He looked into my eyes and gave me a soft kiss. "I love you. I love you more than anything. And I love our family."

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