Chapter 5: I love you, Wei Ying

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Hey, I am back! Well, I wasn't necessarily gone but very busy. This week will be busy too but I will make sure to upload the next chapter by Saturday! 

I promised that Wang Ji would come in this or the next chapter but it, as things are going right now, Wang Ji will appear in Chapter 7. 

Until then I hope you enjoy this new, admittedly rather short, chapter.  

Have fun <3 <3 

Lan Huan's POV

I left the room out of respect. Wei Ying's grandmother was dying and I was sure she had things to say to her grandson which were not for others to hear. I knew that because it was the same with my mother many years ago. Mother probably had a lot to say back then but because time was running out she only said the most important things.

Wei Ying's grandmother would probably do the same so I gave them privacy. Wei Ying is going to lose the most important person in his life and his last family member. I couldn't know how he felt but it would be far worse than what I felt after my mother's death. When she was gone I still had my brother and my father. But Wei Ying would be alone.

'That is not true. I am still there!' I thought and looked at the closed door. 'I will be there for you, Wei Ying. Trust me, I won't leave you.'

I was determined to make sure that Wei Ying would never be alone and I already had an idea. I was not sure how Wei Ying would think about it .... or how my father would think about it when I tell him that I fell in love with a mortal and that I want to stay with him.

Would father agree?

Suddenly I felt a spark within me and I grabbed my chest. 'Wang Ji?'

I closed my eyes and concentrated. I was right. It was indeed Wang Ji. He finished his mission and just now he returned to the immortal realm.

It made me happy that Wang Ji returned safely. But.... now that he was back I would need to return soon as well.

Just then the door opened and shocked, sad, and pale-looking Wei Ying came out. I looked behind him and saw a peacefully sleeping old woman. Only that she wasn't sleeping but already made her last breath.

Wei Ying was in trance, tears flowing down his cheeks. He was heartbroken.

"She is gone....." He mumbled and stared into the nothingness. I immediately took him into my arms.

"My condolence," I said and hugged him tightly. "I am sure she is now at a better place. She probably reunited with her husband and your parents."

Wei Ying nodded absentmindedly and hugged me back. Shortly after he broke out in tears and cried for a long time.

He was in pain and I could feel it so I hugged him tighter while slowly patting his back.

I realized I couldn't let him alone. I wanted to take him with me!

Wei Ying's POV

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