Chapter 14: The loss

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Wei Ying's POV

We were walking like in trance and thankfully didn't meet anyone on our way back to my palace. The moment we stepped into my bed-chamber Wen Ning fell on his knees before me and bowed as deep as he could.

"Punish me, your highness!" He shouted and got up, only to bow to me again. His head hit the ground which looked like it was very painful.

"Punish me, your highness!" Once again he hit his head on the ground.

I wanted to say something but wasn't able to. I felt way too tormented.

"Please punish me, your highness!" Wen Ning repeated his actions.

"For what?" I asked him emotionless. "What sin did you do for me to punish you?"

He didn't answer. He couldn't because the truth was, he didn't do anything. His sister did. But ... it always took two people for something like this. That means that Lan Huan is not innocent.

He knew what he was doing. He knew he was cheating on me. That was the reason he changed in the last couple of months. He felt guilty about something and now I figured out the reason for that.

His feeling guilty told me a lot. First, he still loved me. His confessions weren't just empty words. He meant it when he said he loved me.

Secondly, it told me that he knew what he was doing was wrong. He knew it but still did it. That means either he is cold-hearted which is what I can't agree with because he felt guilty after all. Moreover, I knew him too well. I was with him since I was 16. He wasn't a cold person!

But why was he doing it then? Why was he cheating on me when he still loved me!?

I guessed the reason was simple, wasn't it? An heir. I couldn't give him one but he needed an heir and I knew that he was getting pressured by many sides to finally have one. So I guessed he was getting forced to do what he was doing. But that didn't make him innocent.

Was it the emperor? Was that the reason Lan Huan fought with him so often? Probably.

But why? Why now!? Couldn't he wait for a few more years? What was the time for an immortal? Nothing! I was the mortal! I hadn't much time left in this life, I would die in a few years! So why couldn't he wait until then!?

"I... my sister.... I am sorry...." Wen Ning hit his head on the ground again.

"Stop doing that!" I screamed. For the first since I knew him, I raised my voice at him. I felt bad but ... screaming made me feel better.

"Your highness...."

"Lan Huan is the cheater! Your sister is the sinner, not you! Stop apologizing for her sins! You are innocent! So stop punishing yourself! Stop asking for punishment!" I held my chest because I had trouble breathing.

"...." Wen Ning didn't say anything anymore but he looked at me in pain. His aura was still black. I have never seen such a color before. He felt helpless, lost, sad, powerless, hurt, and broken.

Wen Ning respected me a lot. I was his master but we were friends too. Close friends. He loved me just as much as his sister. Seeing Wen Qing hurting and betraying me was the worst for him. He didn't know how to comprehend the situation. Nor did I.

I went down on my knees. "I don't hate you, Wen Ning. I don't give you any fault. We both are innocent while your sister and Lan Huan are the sinners. So please stop apologizing. Stop hitting yourself. I need a friend right now! So please....." My voice broke and I felt tears running down my cheeks.

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