Chapter 6: Return to the heavenly realm

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As promised I am back with the new chapter. At first, Iwanted to make it a little longer but then I wouldn't have been able to keep my promise. But the chapter still ended at the perfect time. ^^

Enjoy reading <3 <3 

Wei Ying's POV

The moment I opened my eyes I remembered what had happened the night before. Lan Huan was still fast asleep so I decided to leave the room as quiet and as fast as possible. My back felt quite uncomfortable but it didn't hurt too much.

I grabbed my garments which were still lying on the floor and got dressed. I tiptoed towards the door, opened it, and once I left the room I closed it quietly. Then I just stood there. And the more picture appeared in my head the more I felt my cheeks burning up.

'Did I ...? No, did we....? I mean, did last night really happen?' I asked myself but just one movement and my back told me the answer. 'Damn!'

Suddenly it was so hot that I had to go out for fresh air. With big steps, I walked out of the building and sat down on the bench on the terrace in front of the house. I held my cheeks and felt the heat. I shook my head and when my mind replayed last night's happenings I started to giggle. It was not hysterical but.... close to it.

I knew once I got married I would do something like this but I never really expected it to with a man... I bet if grandma was alive she would skin me for losing my virginity before I had my wedding. Especially with someone, she thought I was not meant to be with. She never said it out loud but her ... disinterested behavior in front of Lan Huan told me that she was not very fond of him.

I noticed that, of course, but didn't care about that because I like Lan Huan a lot.

'Lan Huan....' I thought of him and once again started to giggle.

I couldn't believe we really did that! But last night.... the way he soothed me, the moment he took me into his arms and looked at me .... I was like in trance. He called my names over and over again and when he kissed me.... I thought it felt nice. No. Nice was not the right word. It was more than that. I mean, sure I was surprised but not in a negative way. I wouldn't mind being kissed by him again.

I touched my lips and smiled.

And then ... then the kiss got deeper and I stopped thinking about grandma's death and how sad I was. All I could think of was this amazing feeling. At that moment I didn't think about going too far...

"I love you, Wei Ying." My heart started to race just like last night. My cheeks became hotter again and I realized I was grinning widely. I wanted to hug him, kiss him... It felt so wonderful and I was so happy.

I felt bad too, though. Yesterday was grandma's funeral after all. But... if I had to choose again I would have done the same. I didn't regret last night. It was the opposite. I loved every minute of it and I wanted to be with Lan Huan. I loved him.

I widened my eyes and blinked a few times at my realization. I knew that I had feelings for him that were different than those I had for my grandma or for Ming Lan and her family but...

...but now after thinking about it, it was true. I loved Lan Huan. Even before last night, I realized that my thoughts about him were strange. The moments we spent together were joyful and made me very happy. And there were moments I wanted to be kissed by him.

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