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Oops, I did it again... accidentally made this prologue longer than I wanted... 

What a good start, right?  

Anyway, I hope you will like this new story of mine. 

Enjoy readying <3 3

 3rd POV

"Your majesty! Crown Prince Lan Huan and his brother, Prince Lan Wang Ji are here to greet you." The servant announced and the empress immediately stood up. In the last few weeks, she didn't feel good, and to recuperate her health she did not see her two beloved sons. Now that her health was slightly better, she asked for them to see her.

"Let my sons in!" She demanded and the two little princes entered her chambers. Lan Huan, who was now 650 years old (=12 years), run towards his mother as fast as he could and the empress found that amusing. Because her oldest son was the crown prince, the emperor always demanded him to behave accordingly and to not disgrace the royal family in any way. But because Lan Huan was still just a child and loved to run around, the empress allowed him and Wang Ji to do that. At least for as long as the emperor was not present.

"Mother, how are you feeling?" Lan Huan asked worriedly and the empress ruffled through his son's hair.

"I am much better now. Thank you for asking." She smiled and then looked at her youngest son, the 300 years (=6 years) old Wang Ji, who stood at the door waiting for her to call him in. He looked around nervously and it broke the empress's heart.

"Come here, Wang Ji. Let me hug you." She said and the little prince slowly approached her. She took him into his arms and only let go when Wang Ji relaxed with a small sigh.

The empress always felt that Wang Ji was behaving unusually. He was always a shy and very silent boy who tried to distance himself a lot when others were around. Because of that, she gave Wang Ji more attention as to her oldest son. Lan Huan, who loved his beloved younger brother, didn't mind that. He too was worried about Wang Ji's behavior and tried to make his brother smile more often. Yet the youngest prince did so seldom and only when there was no one around.

"How about we spend some time together, my darlings?" The empress suggested randomly and looked from one son to the next.

"That would be amazing!" Lan Huan announced happily and Wang Ji agreed to it as well.

"Really? Great! Then, Wang Ji, is there something you want to do?" The empress asked the second prince who looked at her for a long time before nodding slowly. "Oh my, what is it? What can I do to make you happy and smile at me?"

Wang Ji thought about the festival which was currently held in the mortal realm. He knew that everyone over there, the royals but especially the commoners celebrated this festival wholeheartedly and so he heard only the best things. He opened his mouth to answer his mother but before he could do so he was interrupted.

"Your Majesty, I heard the crown prince talking about the festival in the mortal realm not long ago. Why not go there for the princes to have fun." One of the servants announced with a smile making the empress angry.

"I don't think I asked for your opinion! Wang Ji is the one who will choose what we will do!" She said and the servant flinched hearing the empress's cold voice. Lan Huan frowned and looked at his little brother who closed his mouth and did not speak again no matter how much their mother asked.

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