Chapter 30: Birthday gift and unsaturation

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Please enjoy the new chapter <3 <3

Wei Ying's POV

I woke up to the smell of food and my stomach grumbled louder than ever.

"Are you finally awake? It's noon already."

"You sound as if that is my fault alone..." I mumbled and stretched myself extensively.

"I am indeed your partner in crime." I heard him chuckling before he walked into my sight. "Get up, my love. You didn't eat since yesterday morning."

"That too is not alone my fault." I smiled and got out of bed. I regretted this immediately as my legs gave in and I would have surely fallen on the ground if Wang Ji didn't catch me. "You didn't hold back at all...." I mumbled and laughed when Wang Ji picked me up to carry me to the table.

"You didn't want me to hold back, did you?" He smiled and I felt my cheeks heating up knowing full well that he was right.

"I am hungry..." I said to change the topic.

"Eat." He shoved the bowl of rice in front of me and topped it with a lot of chicken and vegetables. I smiled brightly and dug in while he was watching me with a soft smile before starting to eat as well.

I was so fixated on Wang Ji that I didn't notice Wen Ning standing some meters away. The moment my eyes met his, he looked away. I tilted my head in confusion and looked at Wang Ji.

"He knows exactly why it took you so long to wake up. He is too shy to look at you."

"Wen Ning, yesterday we-"

"I know, your Highness. The two of you missed each other a lot. There is no need to explain." His cheeks turned dark red and I suppressed a laugh.

"Don't you want to join us?"

"I already had my meal earlier, your Highness. I also prepared your bath so once you are done with your meal, you should hurry up and get ready."

"Get ready for what?" I asked confused and it was Wang Ji who answered.

"Not you, but I. There is a court session set in a few hours and I have to attend."

I frowned. "You just came back from the mortal realm and already have to attend those meetings?"

"I have to report about what happened in the mortal realm. Don't worry, it won't take long. Once I am done I will come back and belong only to you."

I sighed. "Fine. Let's eat quickly and take a bath."

"Mhn." He smiled and we continued eating in silence.

 After breakfast, or rather lunch, we entered the bathroom.

"My love, you just ate 4 big portions. I don't think it's a good idea to take a bath now." Wang Ji said and I blushed.

"Are you calling me a pig? Do you have to mention the exact amount of portions? I didn't eat since yesterday morning so I was allowed to dig in. It's not like I eat that much every day...." I pouted and he chuckled.

"That is not what I mean. Taking a bath right after the meal is not good. How about you wait until you digest some of it, hm?"

"The best way to digest is to take part in some exercises," I told him with raised brows, and seeing his eyes darken he understood me.

"Wei Ying, you-"

"Exactly!" I grinned and pushed him into the water before joining him. Our garments left our bodies one after the other and soon the room was filled with moans.

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