Chapter One

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Van cleared his throat. "I'd like to get started."

"Go ahead, Dr. Walsh," Sam told him.

"Thank you." He stood, scooped up the remote, moved to the screen on the wall, and clicked the button. The first image popped up. "Dr. Jackson's team has been going over the data we brought back from the Ancient outpost on P7B-732. They've discovered a Gate address among the text. It was dialed this morning and a M.A.L.P. was sent through. This is what it found." He clicked the button again.

"Is that another outpost?" Lee asked.

"Yes, not as primitive as the one on P7B-732, but certainly not as advanced as anything we discovered in Atlantis. As you can see, the Gate is inside the building." He pointed to the screen. "The room is circular and there's a console sitting in roughly the center of the room. It's similar to the control consoles in Atlantis, but not as advanced."

"So Atlantis is the iPhone, whatever number we're on now. P7B-732 is an iPod and this thing is what then?" Lee asked.

Van sighed. "I'd say the one on P7B-732 is more like a rotary phone and this one is the iPod."

"Ahh, okay."

Mal rolled his eyes. "So, what does this mean as far as tech goes, do we think there's a ZPM there?"

"We're hoping so. Dr. Jackson thinks it's likely considering that this one is more advanced than the one on P7B-732." He clicked and moved to another slide. "According to the text his team was studying when they found the Gate address, this outpost was for defensive purposes, which makes the likelihood of a ZPM much higher."

"Are we thinking of something like the outpost in Antarctica with the chair?" Sam asked.

"It's very possible," Van replied. "Though the M.A.L.P. didn't pick up any images of a chair platform."

"All right, you have a go." She stood. "Be very careful. We know from past experiences that touching any Ancient tech without knowing what it does can often do more harm than good."

Mal rose. "We'll be careful."

Lee strode out of the outpost and stared around the landscape

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Lee strode out of the outpost and stared around the landscape. "Nice place."

Mal grabbed her arm, yanked her back and turned her to face him. "You do not touch anything in this place, understand?"

"I won't! Why don't you tell Van not to touch anything?"

"Because you are the one with the Ancient gene," he replied.

"You do know that you can activate things without the gene, right?" she replied.

"Yes, but it's usually unimportant systems," Van told her. "I think if there are any weapons here you would need the gene to activate them."

"And that means you don't touch anything unless you're told to touch it," Mal said.

"Fine. Stop treating me like I'm five," she grumbled.

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