Chapter Two

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Lee woke with a start and reached for her gun, only to find Mal crouched beside her. He placed a finger against his lips and pointed behind him to the field. She nodded and went to wake Van while Mal kept an eye on things in the field.

She and Van crept over beside him.

A ship had landed in the field and several men were standing about as if they were waiting for things to happen. It was nearly twenty minutes before they heard a bell in the distance. Two minutes after the bell tolled, the two men from the pub strolled into the field.

"Looks like it's time for us to step in," Mal whispered. He directed Lee to the left and Van to the right. He grabbed Van's arm before he got far. "You have this, Van, you've been practicing."

He nodded but Mal noted that he was pale. There was little he could do about it, they needed to stop this deal. He didn't have time to spend reassuring Van about his improved skills. He settled in and waited as the two parties came together.

There was some discussion and then the two men handed over a large case, presumably containing whatever their payment was. After the leader of the Alliance party checked it over he called out to one of the men and he disappeared inside the ship only to return pulling some sort of hovering conveyance behind him. The Naquadah was piled atop it.

"Well that's going to make it a damn bit easier to move," Mal said quietly. Though General Carter wanted them to get their hands on it if the opportunity presented itself, he hadn't believed it was going to be possible. The stuff was way too heavy for them to carry without some sort of assistance. "Nice of them to provide that little cart for us." He placed his fingers against his lips and released a piercing whistle. The claymores on the north side of the field went off and the Alliance soldiers scattered to take cover near their ship. The man who appeared to be in charge shouted angry words at the two villagers then shot them both. He probably thought they were launching an attack so they could keep both the money and the Naquadah. He released another whistle, this one two short bursts of sound and the claymores on the south side went off.

He rose from where he'd been concealed and opened fire with his P90. The Alliance fighters returned fire. He dropped to the ground with a curse.

"Colonel, they have a hell of a lot of firepower for a simple trade of goods," Lee told him over the radio.

"They are a paranoid bunch," he replied, repeating the man's words from the evening before.

"You are outnumbered and out matched, we have enough firepower to keep you pinned down indefinitely, I doubt you can do the same in return, reveal yourselves, SG-1 of Earth!"

"That's not good," Lee said.

He slapped the button on his radio. "How in the hell do they know it's us?"

"My guess would be our weapons," Van replied. "They are sort of unique by comparison to what we've seen on other worlds."

"I suppose but he did say SG-1."

"That I can't explain," Van said.

"You have one minute to surrender or there will be no mercy given!" the Alliance soldier called.

Mal jumped to his feet and fired as he ran around the edge of the field to where he knew Van was positioned. He dropped down beside Van and spoke to Lee over the radio. "Claymores, Kain, now!"

"Which ones?"

"All of them!" he shouted as the Alliance fired on their position. The rest of the claymores exploded and several of the men in the field screamed as the ones on the east side went off. Where they'd positioned them was extremely close to where the ship had landed. Mal fired, taking careful aim and took out three more of the men. "Retreat to the Gate, we need to get the hell out of here. There's no telling how many more men are on that ship."

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