Chapter One

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Sam looked open when the door to her office opened.

"General, ma'am, Ms. Magee is here to see you."

"Thank you, show her in." She didn't want to see Rowen, she didn't have time for IOA inquiries. She pinned a smile into place on her face when Rowen entered, followed by a man who appeared to be every inch an IOA agent from his perfectly styled dark hair, tailored designer suit, to his shiny shoes. "Ms. Magee, how are you? What can I do for you? Please, have a seat."

"Thank you, General. I'm here to let you know that I will be turning things over to Mr. Albrecht here. I've been promoted and I'll be overseeing Mr. Albrecht and any other agents that are assigned to overlook operations under the umbrella of the SGC."

"I see. Nice to meet you, Mr. Albrecht."

"Please, call me Elias, Sam, isn't it?"

"You can call me General Carter or General, Mr. Albrecht."

He paused in the act of removing papers from his briefcase. "Of course, General."

"Well, you've delivered your message, you know the way out, I have work to do," Sam told them.

"I'm afraid this isn't simply a social call, General. I'm here to investigate SG-1," Elias told her.

Sam sat back in her chair, her eyes on Rowen. "Is this another IOA witch hunt, because I'm not in the mood, Rowen." She noticed Albrecht's slight frown when she addressed Rowen by her first name. She'd known Rowen for a long while now and while she certainly didn't dislike the woman, she knew she was here to keep an eye on the program. Sam didn't like the IOAs interference any more than any of the other SGC commanders had. She knew how to maintain a professional atmosphere though, and that meant being polite. Until she knew which way Albrecht was planning on heading while he was here, she wasn't going to get familiar.

Rowen shook her head. "No, I assure you that it isn't, Mr. Albrecht has legitimate concerns about Colonel Hughes' ability to make decisions. You have to admit some of his commands during missions have been questionable."

"I will admit no such thing. I stand by SG-1's decisions and the end results of their missions."

"Well, then I suppose Mr. Albrecht's investigation will turn up nothing and he'll be out of your hair. Have a nice day, General." Rowen stood and left them.

Elias snapped his briefcase shut with a smile. "Now, I'd like to interview all of SG-1, Miss. Vala Mal Doran, and Dr. Oliver Kain."

Sam rose slowly. "Let's get one thing straight, Mr. Albrecht, before you begin this farce. I have served the SGC for more than twenty years and I will protect my teams, this command, and the Stargate Program with every last breath in my body. Do not think you can march in here and tear it all down, others have attempted it and failed."

"No one said anything about tearing it down, General. I'm simply here to make certain SG-1 is fit to serve as a team. Now, those interviews?"

Sam strode from her office. "You can wait here," she said and gestured to the table in the briefing room. "I'll get them and make a call to Atlantis to have Dr. Kain sent over."

"Of course." He followed her out and took a seat at the briefing table to await the arrival of his requested interviewees.

Sam hurried from the room, stopped and sent two men up to guard Albrecht. "Keep an eye on him, he is not to leave the briefing room, understood?" The men nodded and moved away up the stairs from the control room to the briefing room. She didn't trust Albrecht. "Vala!" she called when she saw the other woman strolling down the corridor.

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