Chapter Three

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Leonore looked up from the pile of files stacked in front of her. "It's going to take us forever to read all of these! Did they have to give us every file from the start of the program until now?"

Evander looked at her over the stack in front of him. "Well technically we don't have to read all of them, we can each read some and then share what we've read."

Malachy scowled. "We are all required to read every file." He tossed aside the file he'd just finished reading. "So I suggest you get to work. If we're going to learn what the SG teams do then we need to read these files and the sooner we get it done then the closer we are to stepping through that Gate."

"Yes sir!" Leonore said and threw him a salute.

"You aren't funny and your phone is ringing again." Mal waved a hand at her phone.

She reached over and sent it to voicemail. "Now it's not!"

"Why don't you just turn it off?" he asked.

"Because it's fun to see how many times my brother is going to attempt to call me before he gives up."

"You can't blame him for not telling you, I'm sure he had to sign the same NDA we did," Evander told her.

"Oh I'm sure he did, it's just fun to make him suffer. It's what siblings do."

"I wouldn't know, I'm an only child," Van told her.

She looked at Malachy. "What about you, sir?"

"I have a step-brother and we despise one another," he replied without emotion.

"That's no fun. Is there an evil step-mother too?" she asked with a grin.

"We are supposed to be reading!" he snapped.

"We are also supposed to be a team, I think that means we should learn about one another. It's like a little family," she told him.

Evander grinned. "I like that."

Malachy scooped up an armload of files, stood and stalked to the door. "When you two are ready to act like adults, I'll be in my room." He left.

"He really is kinda cranky," Evander said.

"Yeah, this is gonna be a blast," Leonore rolled her eyes, reached over and hung up her phone when it began ringing again. "That's twelve. He's more resilient than I thought."

"You should call him back, I think he's suffered enough."

"Nah, he can suffer a little more. Oh come on, don't give me that look. Fine, I'll call him in the morning. Happy?"

"Ecstatic!" He closed the file he'd been reading. "They get beat up a lot and captured, I'm not sure how I feel about this adventure anymore."

"We're going to be visiting alien worlds, what did you expect E.T.?"

He shrugged. "I don't know but I don't want to die because I translated something wrong and we offend an entire culture."

"Then don't translate it wrong," she told him.



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