Chapter One

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Van shut off the VCR with a small grin. General Carter was allowing him to go through old files stored on base. He wasn't searching for anything in particular, he was interested in discovering whatever he could about tech or cultures that the SG teams couldn't gain further intel on for whatever reasons. He found information on a planet designated PB2-908.

His eyes went to the folders and notebooks spread across the table. A lot of what he'd read was about the original experiments done with the Stargate that dated back to 1945. They'd even managed to dial PB2-908 though they didn't understand what they were doing. After Dr. Earnest Littlefield stepped through the Gate they lost him and the program was shut down, it wasn't restarted until the Goa'uld incursion into Cheyenne Mountain in 1997. Littlefield spent fifty years stranded on the planet alone until the SG-1 team led by then Colonel O'Neill visited the planet.

He flipped open the folder and looked through the files until he found the mission report. On the planet they were shown a device by Dr. Littlefield that was used by four races to communicate. Dr. Jackson believed it held the answers to the very existence of humanity, unfortunately he never got to finish studying it because a massive storm forced them to leave. They attempted to redial the Gate several days later but it wouldn't connect. They believed the Gate was lost because the structure it inhabited was crumbling and the storm may have sent it to the bottom of the ocean. It was a reasonable assumption considering the DHD fell into the ocean while they were there and they were forced to use lightning to power the Gate and do a manual dial to get home.

"It's too bad." He flipped the folder shut and picked up Earnest Littlefield's journal. Inside were copious notes he'd taken over the years he was there. Included were Dr. Jackson's notes as well as video he'd taken while he was there.

A thought struck him, he gathered the notebooks, stood quickly, and scurried from the room to go find Dr. Jackson. "Dr. Jackson," he called as he ran into the room where Daniel was working.

"Yes, what is it, Van?"

"The planet Dr. Littlefield was on, what else can you tell me about it?"

He shrugged. "The building Dr. Littlefield ended up in was crumbling, some of it had already fallen from the cliff into the ocean below. While we were there the DHD fell and we had to rig up wire from the Gate to the roof to channel lightning into it so we could manually dial it and get home. We barely made it."

"Right, I got that part, it's in the reports, but what can you tell me about the device Dr. Littlefield found?"

"The information is included in the files."

Van waved a hand in the air. "I know, but what can you tell me about it?"

"Not much more than what was in the files. I didn't have time to study it thoroughly. The Gate was lost and we weren't able to go back."

"But now we can! Go back there, that is!"

"Whoa, hold on, Evander, we can't go back there's no Gate anymore. We can't dial into the planet."

"No, we can't but I'm sure we can figure out where it's located. If we took the Helios or the Atlas it wouldn't take us that long to get there! If that device survived then we need to go back and study it!"

Daniel rose slowly from his chair. "Why didn't I ever think of that?"

"I don't know but if we go by ship we can find out if the structure survived and if the device is still intact!"

Daniel hurried past him. "We need to speak to Sam!"

Van followed him down the corridors and up to General Carter's office. Daniel burst through the door and Van followed him in.

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