Chapter One

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Sam looked around the briefing table at SG-1. "The Atlas and the Helios are both getting into position. Now that I've complied with your little directive, are you going to fill me in on this plan of yours?"

Mal nodded. "I propose that we have a briefing."

"Isn't that what we're doing?" she asked.

"No, a fake briefing." He slapped the box that contained their bugged radios. "We let the Alliance know that we're going to head to P3X-117 to take out their Kassa crops."

"I vote for burning the fields," Lee said cheerfully.

Sam sat back. "Do you think they'll fall for it?"

"There's only one way to find out, General," Mal told her.

"All right, set it up. I'm assuming you already have some sort of plan in mind?"

"I do. I even wrote up a nice script." He slid a small stack of papers to her, then pulled the box closer to him with a nod, flipped the latches open and pulled the lid up. He pulled the radios out and handed Lee and Van theirs. He grinned at Sam. "We're ready wherever you are, General."

"First of all, it's good to have you back, SG-1. This mission is a little different, you've already visited the planet."

"If we've been there already, why go back?" Lee asked.

Sam grinned at Lee and glanced at the script Mal had given her. "I want you to return P3X-117."

Lee arched a brow at her. "Kassa world?"

Sam chuckled. "Indeed.

"Why would we want to go back there, it's Alliance controlled? We could die!" Van squeaked.

"Look, the Alliance is becoming too powerful. The more planets they take over to grow their Kassa the less control we have. Take out those fields and we take back some of that control," Sam told them.

"So burn the fields to the ground?" Lee asked cheerfully.

"If that's what it takes, Captain."

"We'll do whatever it takes to put a kink in their operation." Mal flipped the folder shut that sat in front of him. "This information in the file will give us the edge we need. Is there any way we can contact him to verify the information he's given us?"

Sam nodded. "I can try and contact him and see if we can arrange a meeting before you go. Dismissed." She rose, stopped and looked at Mal. "I'll let you know if I hear anything."

"Yes, ma'am."

Nesrin turned to Xanth

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Nesrin turned to Xanth. "Get our people together, we need to be there and prevent them from destroying those crops! Do we know what planet they're referring to?"

Xanth nodded. "Yes, we've been keeping a list of the planets they've visited since we installed the trackers." He pulled up the list. "They're going to Nydis."

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