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Harriet's POV

It's been eight months since I set Aria's car on fire.No regrets by the way. And I've been in Juvie ever since. But today I get out.

It was originally meant to be ten months, but due to overcrowding, I was let out early. But ten months is still very good. I was expecting to get at least a year, but thanks to the amazing lawyer Lilian hired, I only got ten months.

"Okay sign your full name right here please," Said one of the guards."And you're free to go" She said.

You have to tell me twice. I practically ran out the doors, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. I looked around and saw Lilian standing beside her car frantically waving at me.

I ran over to her and hugged her. "Honey, I've missed you so much!" Lilian said. "Me too!" I laughed. "Lets get out of here before they change their minds" She grinned causing me to laugh.

We hop in the car and Lilian starts driving away."This better be the last time I have to come here young lady" She warned, causing me to grin.

"So what's the first thing you're going to do now that you're a free woman," Lilian asked. A grin made its way to my face."A burger and milkshake sound really good right now" I responded."I like the way you think my friend" She laughs.

"Then I'm going to start looking for a job," I said. "A job?" She repeats. "Yea. Now that I have all this free time on my hands, I figured it would make sense to get a job" I explained, then turned to look at her. "You don't think it's a good idea?" I asked. I thought she would have approved of me getting a job.

"No I do but..." She stops and then glances at me. "Harriet, what about school?" She asks.

"What about school?" I mutter. "Harriet, you still have a year left till you graduate" She says.

I scoff. "I'm not going back. I don't even have a school to go back to. I was expelled remember?"I snap.

"Oh, I remember well and clear. I got a call from the police at twelve a clock at night remember?" She snapped back, and I roll my eyes.

"You have to graduate Harriet" She sighs. "I don't have to do anything"I answer back.

"You need a good education, Harriet. It will make getting a job in the future a lot easier" She explained. "So you keep saying" I mutter.

"Because it's true"She snapped. The car then stopped and I look up to see we were at the local diner.

Lilian sighed."Harriet, please. You just have one more year left then you're done. I promise you will regret it if you don't go back. So please Harriet, this is the one thing I ask"She says as she looks at me with a pleading look.

I sighed and looked away from her. "Fine," I mutter. Not even a second later her arms are around me pulling me into an awkward hug. "Oh, thank god" She says, causing me to chuckle.

"Can we go eat now? Im starving"I say and she agrees and we get out of the car and walk to the door. "You're going to thank me when you're older just you wait and see" She stated. "Yea sure I will" I respond sarcastically causing her to smack my arm.

"I'm going to regret saying this but I missed your sarcastic comments," She says."Yep, you're totally going to regret saying that" We both laugh.


I ordered a burger and fries with a vanilla milkshake, and when I took the first bite out of my burger, I almost moaned. Not being able to eat burgers is probably one of the main reasons Im never going back to juvie.

"Just to give you a heads up, you're going to have to study harder than everyone else since you missed most of your junior year," Lilian says as I take a sip of my milkshake.

"Great," I said. Haven't even started my senior year and I'm already behind.

"You could retake junior year if you want. It would probably be the smart thing to do" Lilian suggested. I immediately shake my head. "Fuck no" The plan is to graduate as soon as possible. If it means I'll have to study ten times harder than I will.

"Wait but if it's August now and school start-up in September, no school is going to take me on such short notice, "I say. "Yea about that, I kind of signed you up for a school seven months ago"She confesses.

"Why am I not even surprised"I chuckle and shake my head."So what school am I going to? Ooo, is it that new one beside the park?"I ask excitedly. I've heard rumours that it has a big water fountain outside where the lunch benches are.

Lilian suddenly looked nervous. "Try to have an open mind okay?" She pleaded. You know you're fucked when someone says that. "Okay.." I groan, expecting the worst.

"Well you setting fire to Aria's car spread around like wildfire and a lot of the schools in our area heard about it" She began. "So when I applied you for school, all of them rejected you almost immediately. Apart from one that is"She explained. "Go on" I mutter.

"The school that excepted you was one specifically for people like you," She says. "People like me?" I repeat, confused. "You know, teens who broke the law" She explains. This was worse than I imagined. Way worse. "You're sending me to a school of criminals?!" I yell. A few heads turn in our direction and I look down sheepishly, not meaning to yell.

"Shhh keep your voice down!" Lilian scowls. "And I didn't say criminals, I said people who broke the law" She huffed.

I scoff, rolling my eyes. "Same thing" I snap. "Anything else about this amazing school I should know about?" I asked."It's a boarding school and you leave next week" She blurts out so quickly I nearly didn't catch it.

"You've got to be shitting me" I groan.

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