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Harriets POV

I had just finished unpacking my bag and I lay on my bed.

School didn't start back till the ninth, but Lilian had to go on a business trip so me and Quinn came back three days early.

It was around seven pm so I decided to go get some food in the cafeteria. I get up, grab my key and walk out.

There weren't many people back at the school yet, so the cafeteria wasn't busy at all. I got some chicken nuggets before sitting down on an empty table.

"Boo" Someone suddenly says from behind me and shakes my shoulders, causing me to jump.

I snap my head around and see Elijah grinning and Ezra rolling his eyes.

"Miss us?" Elijah smiles and I scoff. "No. I was enjoying the quiet" I mutter. Ezra laughs at Elijah's frown. "Rude" Elijah mumbles as they both sit down beside me.

"Thought you guys were coming back on Sunday?" I say. "We were. But then we realised how shit it would be to come back and have school the next day so we agreed Friday would be better" Ezra explained and I nod. "Plus this bitch wouldn't shut up about Quinn" Ezra snorts and I grin.

"Dude shut up. I wasnt" Elijah scowls.

"You asked me and Clay what we thought Quinn was doing probably five times a day" Ezra laughs and Elijah rolls his eyes.

"Speaking of Quinn, is she here?" Elijah asked causing Ezra to snicker. "Proving my point man" He chuckles.

"She's in her dorm" I laugh and he nods. "Im going to go unpack my things. See you guys later" Elijah says before getting up. "No one is believing that" Ezra snorts and Elijah flips him off before he walks out of the cafeteria.

"Those two need to get together already. Their both driving me crazy" I laugh and Ezra nods. "It's driving us all crazy" He mutters.

Ezra's phone suddenly buzzes. He picks it up and his face lightens up when the screen turns on. I scoff before turning back to my food. "Speaking of two who need to get together" I mutter as I take the last bite of my food.

"Oh shut up. I have to go unpack my stuff with Elijah" Ezra says as he stands up. "Right" I snort and he lightly slaps my arm before walking out of the cafeteria.

I grab my tray and put it with the other dirty trays before walking back to my dorm. I pass Molly on the way, who sent me one of her classic glares as I walk by.

How kind.

After a few minutes I get to my dorm and I take out my key. I unlock the door and walk in. "Hey," I say as I lock the door.

Clayton was sitting down on the edge of his bed, wearing black jeans and a tight-fitting white t-shirt. He looked so casual yet I still had to make sure I wasn't drooling.

"Hello," Clayton says as he gets up off his bed and walks over to me. "I Was wondering where you were" He muttered as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. 

"Can't get enough of me?" I joke causing him to grin.

"You know I can "He then leans down and places his lips on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer as I smile into the kiss.

His tongue licks my bottom lip, silently asking for entrance which I grant. His grip on my waist tightens as he deepens the kiss. He slips his tongue into my mouth causing me to moan into the kiss.

Clayton takes a step forward, causing me to take a step back and my back hits the door. He pins me against it, not once breaking our kiss.

As our kiss grows more heated, so does my want for him. I jump up, wrapping my legs around his waist and he grips my thighs, stopping me from falling.

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