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Harriets POV

The next morning I woke up feeling like shit.

I couldn't sleep last night as I was too busy thinking about what happened.

After Clayton told his mother that I was his girlfriend, he hung up and stormed out of the dorm before I could ask him any questions. And he hasn't been back since.

It was currently half eight in the morning and I was just finished getting changed when I heard my phone beep.


Is it true?!??

Is what true?

Before I could reply to her text, the door opened, and in came Clayton.

I threw my phone on my bed and marched over to him.

"What the fuck?! Why did you tell your mother we're dating?! We're not dating!" I yell. "Stop yelling"He mutters, before lying down on his bed.

"I'm not messing around Clayton, answer my question" I demand. He sighs and runs his hand through his messy hair. "I told my parent's we were dating so I would have to marry Molly," He says.

"I know that already! Why me?" I ask. "You got me into this mess, you can get me out of it" He simply says.

"You started it!" I snap. He scoffs, "Oh grow up Harriet. I call everyone a bitch, it's not that big of a deal" He scowls.

I take a deep breath and start pacing back and forth. "Why me? Why couldn't you just pick a random girl who actually likes you?" I question. "Because you don't like me, therefore you're going to hate this just as much as I am so I don't have to worry about you being clingy and shit. And you know that this is all fake, other girls wouldn't understand that. They'd think they have a chance when they don't. I don't want to lead them on" He explains.

"That makes sense I guess" I mumble."So what do I have to do? Pretend to like you in front of Molly?" I ask. "It's not that simple. If we just act like we're dating in front of Molly and my parents other students will tell Molly and the plan will be ruined" He mutters.

I close my eyes, realising what he's trying to say. "Are you saying we have to pretend we're dating all the time" I whisper in disbelief. "Unfortunately, yes" He mumbles.

I let out a groan and walk over to my bed and collapse onto it. "Great, just great".


As I walked down the halls towards the cafeteria where me and Quinn planned to meet, I received a lot of stares.

And when I walked into the cafeteria, it suddenly went quiet. Everyone was looking in my direction and whispering something to their friends.

I instantly felt self-conscious and speed-walked over to the table Quimn was sitting at.

"What's going on? Why is everyone staring at me?" I ask as soon as I sit down.

"Because you're dating Clayton," Quinn says. "Everyone knows he doesn't do relationships. He's one of the most attractive people in this school, and has never been seen dating or even hooking up with someone".

"Right," I mutter.

"I didn't know you and Clayton liked each other" Quinn mumbles. "We don't" I say, stealing a few of Quinn's grapes from her fruit salad.

Quinn's face morphs into one of confusion, "But-" "We're fake dating Quinn. Its a long story but all you need to know is that we aren't together" I explain.

"Honestly, that makes more sense than you two getting along" She laughs and so do I.

"He came up with a bunch of rules I have to follow in order for people to believe it" I snort. "What are they?" Quinn asks and she stuffs a piece of melon into her mouth.

"The only people who can know we're not actually dating are you and the twins. We have to act like a couple when we are together, meaning no fighting-" "Impossible. You two fight more than old married couples" She snorts."Ha ha very funny" I say, sarcasm evident in my voice.

"And lastly no kissing," I say. "He wants people to believe you're dating but he won't kiss you?" She laughs. "Yea, something about him not wanting to catch any of my diseases.I'm not complaining though", I snort and Quinn laughs.

"What are yous laughing about?" Elijah says as he sits down beside Quinn. Ezra and Clayton mirrored his actions.

Me and Quinn looked at each other before bursting out laughing, earning confused looks from the guys and a few annoyed looks from the people around us.


It was six o'clock and me and Clayton were walking back to our dorm after spending the day with Quinn and the twins.

An awkward silence filled the air as we walked down the halls. Just as we reached our dorm, I heard the sound of heels. I look down the hallway and see Molly marching towards us.

"Is it true!?" She yells once she gets within a few meters of us. "Is what true?" I ask. She simply scoffs before placing her hands on her hips. "Are you two dating?" She snaps.

"Oh, yeah," I say in a bored tone. Feeling done with this conversation, I reach to grab the door handle to our dorm but Clayton nudges my arm. I look up at him with a confused expression, and he simply nods his head to Molly.

I get the message and take a deep breath, mentally preparing for what I'm about to do.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend last night. He got me flowers and everything! Isn't he just the cutest!" I say in a very cheerful voice. I turn to face Clayton and give him a kiss on the cheek, before grabbing his arm and placing it over my shoulders and leaning into his side.

Clayton tenses up at first, before pulling me closer. "Is there anything else you need Molly?" He asks.

Molly looks between me and Clayton a few times, before letting out a huff and storming off.

As soon as she was out of sight, I immediately push away from Clayton, and he does the same. I open the door and walk over to my bed. I hear the door close a few seconds later and then Clayton lets out a breath.

"That is going to get very annoying very soon," He says as he takes off his jacket. "Tell me about it" I mutter

"Molly will leave us alone eventually, don't worry" He sighs. "The only thing I'm worried about is having to compliment you again. Calling you cute back there took a huge toll on my pride" I groan.

"Haha very funny Harriet" He scoffs.

"Thanks," I say.

"Shut up" Clayton complains, causing me to laugh.

"Love you too ClayClay".

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