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Harriets POV 10

I wanted to cry when I heard my alarm the next morning.

Why did I agree to get a ten-a-clock train?
Oh right, I didn't. Fuck you Lilian.

When I get up I notice everyone was still asleep, but Ezra wasnt there. Maybe he's gone to the cafeteria?

I grab some clothes and go into the bathroom to change. As I'm brushing my teeth, I hear the dorm door open.

When I walk out I see Ezra sitting on the bundle of blankets and pillows we made for him and Elijah as a makeshift bed.

"Morning," I say as I rummage through my bedside locker to find my hairbrush."You sleep well?" I ask as I turn to face him. "Not really. Elijah tends to kick a lot in his sleep" Ezra mutters as he glares at a sleeping Elijah.

"Of course, he is" I chuckle.

"Would yous shut the fuck up". We look over to see Clayton rubbing his eyes before they land on me. "Just because you have to get up at the ass crack of dawn doesn't mean we all do".

"You know you're a lot more likable when you're asleep" I scowl. "I'm not in the mood to hear your bullshit right now Harriet" He groans.

"Dickhead" I say under my breath.

"What was that?" Clayton asks. I flip him off in response.

"It's too early for the two of you bickering" Ezra suddenly chimes in. Clayton turns over and buries his face in his pillow. "Just keep it down" he muffles.

I look back over at Ezra to see him rolling his eyes. "Ignore him. He always acts like a whiney bitch in the mornings" He scoffs.

Suddenly a pillow is thrown at his face, the speed of it knocking Ezra back. "See?" Ezra chuckles.

I check the time and see that it's half nine. "Shit, I have to go. I'll see you in a week. Enjoy your break!" I say to Ezra as I quickly grab my bag and run out the door in a rush.


"I'm here!" I sing out loudly as I open the front door to my house. Lilian came running in from the kitchen.

"Harriet! I've missed you!" Lilian says as she squeezes the life out of me "I missed you too!" I tell her as I awkwardly pat her back.

God I hate hugs

"How have you been?" She asks as I take off my bag. "I've been good. Made some friends" I tell her as I close the door and follow her into the kitchen.

I look around the kitchen and see bowls of tomato sauce, grated mozzarella and some slices of pepperoni on the counter.

"I thought we could make some pizzas for dinner" Lilian tells me as she walks to the fridge and takes out a bowl. I walk over and see that it's pizza dough.

"You're the best," I say as I wash my hands. "I know" She responds, making me roll my eyes.

"So anything new with you?" I ask as I lean against the counter. Although at the start me and Lilian did text quite often, after a week or two we both got busy and didn't text as often as I would have liked.

"Nothing much. I've been pretty lonely since you left for school. I mostly just work and watch Netflix nowadays" Lilian sighs as she cuts the dough in half. She then proceeds to give one half to me, along with a rolling pin.

"You should get a dog," I tell her as I start to roll out my dough. "Pfft, yeah sure. Mabey I'll get a jacuzzi while I'm at it" She scoffs, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Im serious. You just said that you're lonely. A dog would be great company. Plus we've got the space and you've got the time to look after a dog" I tell her.

She sighs and turns to look at me. "It's not the worst idea" She mutters. "I'll think about it okay?" She says, causing me to jump in excitement.

"We're getting a dog" I cheer, causing Lilian to shake her head."I said I'd think about it!" She says before turning away from me.

"We're going to name it 'rat' " I tell her as I go back to making my pizza. "We are not calling a dog 'rat' Harriet" Lilian scowls.

"Or are we?" I say while wiggling my eyebrows up and down playfully.

"No," She says.

We are so calling it rat.


Over the next few days, me and Lilian just sat around and binge-watched Netflix. And before I knew it, it was Thursday.

"I can't believe it's nearly been a week," Lilian says. "I don't want to go back" I groan, causing her to laugh.

"Don't you want to see those new friends of yours?" She asked. " Well yeah but I don't want to go back to that school" I mumble.

Suddenly the doorbell rings and I remember how hungry I am. "Pizza's here," I say as I get up and walk to the door. I open it and hand the guy the money before sitting back down with the pizza.

"Im starving" Lilian groans as she grabs a slice. "Same," I say as I grab a slice and take a big bite out of it. Amazing.

After a few minutes, the pizzas are gone and we're both stuffed. "That was so good," I say and Lilian hums in response.

"So since tomorrow is your last day here, is there anything you want to do?" Lilian asks.

I think for a moment before an idea pops into my head and a grin takes over my face.

"Matching tattoos"


"I can't believe we just did that" Lilian mutters as we walk out of the tattoo parlour.

"That was so fun!" I laughed as I look down at the small ladybird that was now tattooed on the right side of my collarbone.

Lilian chuckled. "I'm not sure if I'd use the word 'fun' but it was definitely exciting".

I look at the ladybug on her right upper arm and grin. "Yours looks so good Lilian!" I tell her.

She smiles at me." So does yours sweetheart".

We walk to her car and get in, and I immediately turn on the radio.

After a few minutes of driving, another idea pops into my head."We should get more tattoos on Christmas break" I tell her.


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