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Harriet's POV

Over the next few days, I avoided Clayton. Which wasn't very hard since we hardly saw each other before.

Things got weird between us, and I don't like it. I don't have the time to be worrying about Clayton, so therefore Im avoiding him till whatever has been happening lately dies down.

It was currently Friday, and we get to go home for our Halloween break tomorrow.

I am sitting at the picnic benches outside the cafeteria with Quinn. Despite the fact that we only met a few weeks ago, Quinn and I are very close. Well at least I'd consider us close.

She doesn't know about my parents or my past. Now that I think of it, she doesn't know that much about me at all.

I've always been a fairly closed-off person. I find it very hard to trust people, especially when it comes to telling them about my past.

And I've never really had a best friend, so I don't really know what's appropriate to tell Quinn and what's not. Sure I've had some friends in the past, but I've never had someone who I trust completely or could rely on for support. Apart from my dad of course. He was always there for me. And when he passed, Lilian thankfully took his place.

"So I was thinking, since Alexa is staying at her girlfriend's dorm tonight, you should come over. We haven't had a sleepover yet, and I want to get to know you better" Quinn says before she bites into her burger.

"Yeah, sound good" I nod, and she grins. "Great! You can come over any time after six. I have a tutoring session until then" She says.

"You tutor people?" I ask as I take a sip of my water. Quinn snorts, "I wish. Im already failing science. I have my first tutoring session today". "Well, good luck to you" I laugh.

"Have you seen Clayton and the twins much lately?" Qunin suddenly asks."Well, I haven't seen much of Clayton, fortunately. But now that you've said it, I've hardly seen the twins at all this week" I tell her.

We've all become friends over the past few weeks. Mainly due to the fact Elijah kept sitting with me and Quinn during lunch and over time it became a routine.Elijah is definitely the more social brother. Ezra is fairly quiet.

Elijah and Ezra have dark brown hair and dark skin. Elijah has green eyes and is around 6'1, while Ezra is 6'2 with blue eyes. Just like Clayton, they both seem to be fairly well-built and quite popular with the girls.

Just as Quinns is about to answer, Ezra, Elijah and Clayton suddenly appear from behind us and sit down on the opposite side of the bench.

Of course, they appear when we were talking about them.

"How have you guys been?" Elijah asks with a charming smile on his face. "Good" Quinn responds.

"Sorry, we haven't seen you girls much this week. Had some family business to attend to" Elijah explains as he steals a few of Quinn's fries from her lunch tray. She smacks his hand away causing him to laugh as his eyes twinkle with amusement.

Clayton is on his phone as usual, while Ezra is just listening to the conversation.

"What are your plans for the break?" Quinn asks them. "Me, Ezra and Clayton are just going home and relaxing for the week" Elijah responds."You guys live together?" I ask. He nods in reply.

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