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Claytons POV

Four days.

Four fucking days since I last had a proper conversation with Harriet.

I've been giving her space like she asked. I don't try to talk to her and she avoids me. And it hurts.

When she told me she wasn't afraid, I was surprised. I expected her to be scared of me, to be honest.

But no. She surprised me yet again.

I didn't really know what to say to her once she told me she was upset that she didn't care. What are you supposed to say to that?

'Hey, don't be sad because you don't care that your boyfriend is a murderer!'

I don't even know if I'm still her boyfriend. I don't know what the whole 'I need space' means. But I'm assuming, and hoping, that we are still together.

Not that I'd let her go.

I'd die without her in my life.

It was eleven am and I was walking out of the dorm to meet the twins in the cafeteria.

Harriet was still asleep. In her own bed, may I add.

Fuck, I'd do anything to be able to hold her again.

She's got me wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even realize it yet.

While I walk towards the stairs, I pass Molly leaning against the wall. Oh great.

She smiles at me and shoots me a flirty smile. I roll my eyes as I walk past her and head towards the stairs.

Once I get to the cafeteria, I see Quinn and the twins sitting at a table. I grab some toast before joining them.

"Hey bestie" Elijah grins as I sit down. "Don't ever call me that again" I mutter and Ezra chuckles. "Are you and Harriet still fighting?" Quinn asks and I nod my head.

Obviously, we couldn't tell Quinn why we aren't talking, so we just told her we are fighting. Thankfully, she didn't ask any follow-up questions.

"Yeah. Im giving her 'space' " I say as I take a bite out of my food. Quinn chuckles and Elijah pats me on the back.

We hear some commotion coming from around us. I look around and notice a few people running out of the cafeteria, while a few others were staring at their phones.

"I'll bet you fifty that it's the table tennis club and the tennis team fighting again," Ezra says and I nod. "Bet," I tell him and he grins.

The tennis team and the table tennis club are always getting into fightings over how table tennis isn't tennis. I don't think there has been a week without them fighting. But what makes it more confusing, is that both teams don't even play tennis properly.

They just use the practice time to get high together.

I'm not sure what they are using against the teachers to allow them to do this, but it's been going on for years.

Suddenly, the fire alarm goes off.

Not again.

A group of people, most likely freshmen, keep setting off the fire alarms as a 'joke'. They think they're so fucking funny, but in reality, there's a reward going around for their blood.

No one likes being forced to get up and leave their dorm to stand in the cold for an hour. It's a good thing no one knows who they are, because everyone wants to give them a good beating.

We all stand up from our seats and start walking towards the exit when we hear shouting. It sounded vaguely like my name, and I walk towards the sound.

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