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Claytons POV

I wake up to the sound of the door opening.

So it was real huh? Not some horrible nightmare.

I knew it was her.

But I can barely look at her right now.

I had my back turned to her, but I could tell by her footsteps where she was. She walked over to her side of the room, and I'm assuming grabbed her uniform. She grabs some other stuff from the door, before quietly closing the door.

I don't know why though. She knew I was awake.

Reluctantly, I decided to get up and attend classes. Mam would have my head if she found out I was skipping this close to exams.

I have a shower before getting into the shitty uniform. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and shit was it scary. I looked dead. My face was pale, dark bags were under my eyes due to the lack of sleep I got.

It's fun trying to sleep after the person you love breaks your heart.

10/10 recommend.

I grab my phone and school bag before opening the door but I stop.

Should I?

Fuck it.

I open the drawer in my bedside locker and grab my packet of cigarettes, before shoving them in my pocket and walking towards the cafeteria. I used to smoke a lot. A bad habit I picked up over the years. But I stopped because I know how much Harriet hates it since her mam was a heavy smoker.

No point now.

I walk into the loud ass cafeteria and grab a slice of toast before I sit down beside the twins.

"The fuck happened to you?" Ezra chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"Piss off Ezra" I mutter, as I take a bite of my toast. "Someone is moody" Elijah snorts and I scowl.

"It's unusual that you're here before Harriet" Elijah randomly says, and I glare at him. "Is she sick?" Elijah asks as he takes a bite of his omelette.

"Don't Don't" I mutter as I continue to eat my breakfast.

"Okay then" Ezra chuckles, and I look down at my plate.

It doesn't make sense.

We were fine four days ago. Then all of a sudden she starts being distant, and then bam! Pain.

Everyone has a reason why they do things. So why the fuck did she do this?

Is it the mafia stuff? I should have known the whole getting stabbed thing would scare the shit out of her.

But she seemed fine. I can usually tell what's wrong easily. But this...this came out of nowhere.

A tray is placed down on the table, and I look up and see it's Quinn. She shoots me a small smile as she sits down beside Elijah.

"He's in a pissy mood. Ignore him" Elijah snorts, and I see Quinn scowl. "Shut it" She whispers as she glares at him. They both look at her confused, while she looks at me.

"How are you-"

"Quinn- please don't" I mumble, and she nods while shooting me a sad smile.

"Okay, what the fuck is going on?" Ezra asks and I roll my eyes.

"We broke up" I tell them, and they stare at me in shock causing me to scowl.

"What? why?" Elijah mumbles, and I sigh. "That's the million-dollar question" I mutter as I finish my toast.

"Are you okay?" Ezra mumbles and I scoff.

"What do you think?" I mutter as I stand up. "I have to go" I mumble as I grab my bag and walk away.

Only the universe decided to be a bitch today, and I bump into the woman herself.

"Shit sorry" She mumbles as she bends down and picks up the apple she dropped.

She should be eating more than that. That wouldn't even fill up my niece.

Why do I care?

I walk past her without saying a word and head to my next class. Which I was going to be ten minutes early for.



I saw her everywhere.

Every corridor I went down. She was in front of me in the long-ass queue for lunch. When I went to the library to fucking hide from her, she was already there.

I don't know who I pissed off up there but fuck dude, I'm sorry.

Or woman.

You never know.

I'm currently walking up the stairs back to our dorm.

Thankfully we actually have two beds instead of one. Would be quite awkward if we had to share a bed.

As I walk through the door to our floor, I notice a poster on the notice board.

Senior prom!

May 20th
Gym Hall
9pm -11pm
Bring a date!!

Sounds shit.

And they only gave a month's notice.

Very well organised.

I walk down the hall till I reach my dorm and open the door.

I immediately see Harriet asleep on her bed, sitting against the wall surrounded by books, with a pair of black headphones on.

How the fuck is she asleep?

I sigh before closing the door and walking over to her. I take off her headphones and place them on her side locker.

I take her phone and turn off her music, before plugging it into the charger beside her bed.

I close her school books and place them on the ground beside her bed, before lying her down. I undo her school tie and unbutton the top two buttons of her shirt so she's more comfortable, before covering her with the covers.

I may be pissed at her, but I'll always love her. Whether she loves me back or not.

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