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Harriets POV

It's around half seven and I'm making my way back to the dorm. I take out my key and unlock the door before walking inside.

The room is empty, but the bathroom door is closed and I can hear the shower on. I quietly close the door before taking off my shoes.

I sit awkwardly on the one bed our dorm has as I wait for Clayton to come out.

Which was easier said than done, because I'm exhausted. I've been getting barely any sleep these past few days, so now I could barely keep my eyes open.

My eyes droop closed as my head falls forward. However, my eyes snap open once I hear the bathroom door open.

I look over at the door as it opens, revealing Clayton in nothing but a pair of red, plaid pyjama bottoms. His black hair was wet but pushed back so it wasn't in his face like usual.

"Hey," Clayton says, tearing me away from my not-so-PG thoughts.

He looked a bit nervous as he stood just in front of the bathroom door.

"Hey" I answer back, shooting him a small smile.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he walked over to me and stood in front of me. His hands cup my face as he examines it to see if I'm alright.

"Yes, Clayton. I'm okay" I snort and he smiles a bit.


"No, let me go first," I tell him. "No I want to go first" Clayton says and I roll my eyes. "Clayton, I'm going first-"

"Harriet, I'm going first. Now, in the kindest and most respectful way possible, shut your pretty mouth up and let me get on with my apology" Clayton says, and I fight back a smile.

"Look I want to begin by saying-" He then stops.

His hands let go of my face before slipping under my arms and lifting me to my feet.

"Sorry. It's just easier to talk when you aren't half my size" Clayton mumbles and I smile. His hands drop from under my arms to my waist before he sighs.

"I'm sorry Harriet. I really am. I realise how stupid I was being with the locks and the tracker" He winces as he speaks.

"The truth is, the thought of you getting hurt again scares the shit out of me. So I thought that if I stayed by you and took all these extra precautions, you'd stay safe" He whispers.

"But I guess I forgot about the fact that you are a human being, and not some gem that can be locked away in a safe for eternity" Clayton says in a serious tone.

"I understand. I get that you just want to keep me safe. But you can't worry about me for the rest of your life Clayton. You need to just trust the fact that nothing is going to happen" I explain and he nods before grinning.

"Are you indicating that we're going to be together for the rest of my life?" He asks, his head tilting to the side and my face heats up as I register what I just said.

"Please just forget I said that" I mumble but he shakes his head. "No I'm never forgetting that" Clayton smiles amused and I groan.

"We're getting off track" I remind him.

"Right sorry" He says with a very unapologetic grin.

"But I understand. I need to have more faith in you. You're a big girl and can defend yourself perfectly on your own. I know that" Clayton says, his tone back to serious.

"I'll accept the fact that you are fine. I promise" He swears and I nod. "That's great. But if for some reason I'm ever not okay, you can't blame yourself, okay?" I tell him and he looks taken back.

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