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Harriets POV

A warm hand caresses my cheek as I open my eyes. Clayton's lying beside me, one hand on my cheek and the other supporting his head. "Morning" I mumble as I rub my eyes, and he removes his hand from my face. "Morning love" Clayton says as I stretch.

"What time is it?" I ask as I sit up and look around the room. Sunlight shines into the dorm, providing a nice natural light.

"Half eleven" He answers and I nod.

"Thanks for listening last night" He whispers and I turn my head to look at him. "I'll always be here to listen Clayton" I say as I ruffle his hair and he scowls. "Was that really necessary?" Clayton mutters and I laugh.

"Yes," I grin as I stand up off the bed.

Hands suddenly grip my waist and I'm turned around. Clayton's standing there with a smirk on his face and I shoot him a confused look.

Clayton suddenly lifts me and throws me over his shoulder.

"Clayton!" I scream as I slap his back. "I love when you scream my name" I hear him joke, and I scowl before hitting his back repeatedly.

"Clayton Samuel Hendrix, put me down right now!" I yell and I hear him laugh.

"Fine, Fine" He chuckles, and I let out a sigh of relief.

Clayton's grip on my legs tighen, and he suddenly starts spinning around in circles.

"Clayton!" I scream as I wrap my arms around his waist and hold on for dear life.

He continues spinning for another minute, before he finally puts me down.

The room starts spinning, and I start to fall sideways. Clayton wraps his arm around my waist, stopping me from falling flat on my face.

"Careful love" He chuckles and I grip onto his forearms for support.

"This is your fault" I mumble and he grins cheekily. "It was necessary" He shrugs, and I glare at him.

Once the room stops spinning, I push Claytons hands off me and slap his chest.

I storm into the bathroom to brush my teeth with a scowl on my face. I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste and begin brushing my teeth, when Clayton walks into the bathroom.

"Am I in trouble?" He chuckles as he reaches his arm over my shoulder to get his toothbrush.

Since I can't talk, I just roll my eyes and continue to brush my teeth. He shakes his head humorously as he starts to brush his teeth.

If there is one thing I can't stand, it's morning breath.

Clayton never seems to care that much. He'd sometimes kiss me after brushing his teeth, while my breath still stunk like eggs.


Once I'm done, I put my brush back in its holder leaving the bathroom.

Claytons a weird. He brushes his teeth for four minutes straight. He's never had a filling, apparently he's never even been to the dentist. I'm not positive about the last part, since the twins told me that.

I ask him all the time why he wastes four minutes of his life, while he could just waste two. His response is always 'I care about my dential hygiene'.

He's talking bullshit if you ask me.

Like he used to smoke, but finds dental hygenie is important?

I grab a pair of baggy blue jeans, before walking over to Clayton's wardrobe and taking a white t-shirt.

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