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Harriets POV

I woke up at ten the next morning. I saw that Clayton was still asleep, meaning I could use the shower first.

I had my shower, brushed my teeth and did my business, and when I stepped out of the bathroom I saw Clayton was awake.

He got up off his bed and a few seconds later I heard the bathroom door close.

I picked up my phone and checked to see if I had any texts when I heard knocking on the door.

I got up and when I opened it I saw Quinn.

"Oh, hey Quinn," I said. "Hey Harriet, how was your first night?"She asked."It was good, thanks. How did you know it was my first night?"I asked, just as I heard the bathroom door open.

She laughs, "I've been here a few years now Harriet, I know a newbie when I see one".

"So I was just wondering if you wanted to go get breakfast together?"Quinn asks."Yeah sure, let me just grab my key"I say. I turn around and walk back over to my bed. I grab the key from my bedside locker and walk towards the door. I see Clayton glaring at me.

"What," I ask. I haven't done anything so why the fuck is he glaring at me like I just insulted his dead relatives.

The only response I get is a scoff, causing me to roll my eyes. I walk out the door and make sure to close the door louder than necessary.

"Was that your roommate?"Quinn asks."Who else would it be?"I snort. I notice Quinn's cheeks go a bit red from what I'm assuming is embarrassment and she looks down. "Right, sorry," She says.

If I had known she would have gotten embarrassed I would have just answered her question normally. She just shoots me a small smile and goes back to looking at the ground.

Great. I feel like a bitch now.

"Yeah, he's my roommate. His name is Clayton". "I know. He's pretty popular around here," She says, causing me to groan. "Just my luck to get stuck with the popular dude"I groan, causing Quinn to giggle and give me a pat on the back.

"I tried to make friendly conversation with him last night and he told me to fuck off, "I tell her.

"Yeah, he's not much of a talker. And he's not the kindest of people. I got partnered up with him once in history and when I asked him what he wanted to do the project on he told me to shut the fuck up and leave him alone" She says.

I roll my eyes" Of course he did".

"Just don't talk to him and you should be fine," Quinn says as we enter the cafeteria. "That's the plan".


The cafeteria had everything. Yoghurt, toast, french toast, eggs, porridge and four different types of pancakes. In my old school, they had stale toast that cost three dollars.

I got yoghurt and a slice of toast, while Quinn got two pancakes; one chocolate chip and one blueberry.

"So what level are you?"She asks. I look at her as if she's grown two heads."Level F?" I respond. She should know she lives right next to me.

"Sorry, I forgot you don't know this stuff yet" She laughs. "Basically everyone here has a level. If your level one that means you committed a small crime, like stole a packet of jellybeans or smoked some weed or something. If you're level two it means you did something kinda bad. Like threaten someone, or get into a fight where someone go badly injured. If you're level three it means you did something really bad.It's pretty self-explanatory" She explains.

"But they aren't the rules in every case. Dorms A and B are for the people who committed assault. Level three assaulters would be in dorm A, level ones would be in dorm B and level two are put in either. The school's logic is that if they for some reason have to call security on one of them, they don't have to drag them up or down that many flights of stairs if they put up a struggle" Quinn says.

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