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Harriet's POV

I woke up the next morning in someone else's bed with arms wrapped around my waist.

The fuck..

Memories of what happened last night came rushing back to me, causing me to smile.

My smile quickly drops when I remember school exists.

I try to remove his arms but they wouldn't move. The fact that even when he's asleep he's stronger is embarrassing.

"Clayton I have to get up" I whisper and he groans. "No, you don't now shut up" He mutters in a groggy voice. I roll my eyes and slap his arms, but that just caused him to tighten his grip on me.


"Clayton Im serious. Let me go" I say slightly louder than before. "Five more minutes" He whispers, still half asleep.

I sigh knowing he's not going to budge. "Clayton?" I ask softly, causing him to groan. "What" He mumbles, causing me to laugh a little.

"Are we...dating?" I ask quietly. "Yes now shut the fuck up and let me sleep" Clayton mumbles, and I can't help the smile that grows on my face.

I'm dating Clayton.

After a few minutes, I hear him lightly snore, so I try to remove his arms again. This time I was more successful, and I flip him off once I escaped.

"That's rude" He mutters, still with his eyes closed.

How the fuck.

I grab my uniform and go change in the bathroom. I do my morning routine before I walk out of the bathroom and put my shoes on.

"Clayton get up. We have school" I say as I walk over to my bed to get my bag.

"Five more minutes..." He mumbled, causing me to roll my eyes. I grab the nearly empty glass that was on my bedside locker and walked over to Clayton's bed.

"Last chance, get up" I say, secretly praying he doesn't get up.

"Piss off..." Clayton mumbled, causing me to smile. I then proceeded to throw the remaining water on him.

He immediately sat up and wiped the water from his face. Before he could say anything, I grab my bag and open the door.

"See you later" I shout before quickly closing the door. What a lovely way to start my day.


The bell rang signalling that school was over, and everyone packed up their things.

I was packing up my book when I noticed Ezra standing at the door of the classroom.

I motioned for him to come over as I finish packing up.

"Clayton and Elijah aren't in this class, as you can see" I inform as I pick up my bag. I then notice we are the only ones left in the classroom.

My wrist is still quite sore, so I try to avoid using it. As a result, I take ages to pack up my stuff after class.

"Yeah, I know, I actually came to talk to you," Ezra said, and he looked nervous. "Oh.." I stutter, taken back that he came looking for me.

Me and Ezra are friends. But I am not as close to him as I am with the others. It's not that we don't get on, it's just that we don't share any common interests.

I place my bag on the floor before sitting on top of my desk.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask. Ezra stays quiet for a few seconds, making me very concerned about how nervous he looks.

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