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Harriets POV

It was eleven o'clock and Quinn was sleeping on my lap.

She's been asleep for around three hours now. She didn't want to talk about her parents getting divorced, so she just cried until she fell asleep.

I remember when I found out my parents were splitting up. Worst day of my life. But not because I was upset about the divorce.

The door opens and in walks Clayton. He looks at me and smiles before noticing Quinn. "Is she okay?" He whispers, looking concerned.

"Family problems" I respond in a quiet voice and he nods. "Do you mind helping me get up?" I ask and he chuckles.

He throws his keys on his bed before walking over to me. He gently lifts up Quinn, allowing me to get up without the risk of waking her up.

"Am I carrying her back to her dorm or is she staying here?" Clayton whispers. "She's staying here. Just lie her on my bed" I whisper and he nods. He places her down and I put a blanket over her.

"I'm just going to go tell her roommate she's staying here tonight," I tell him and he nods.

I open the door and walk to Quinn's dorm. I knock on the door quietly, hoping that Alexa wasn't asleep so that I dont wake her up.

Lucky for me, she answered the door. "Hey Harriet," Alexa says with a smile.

"Hey, Alexa. Just letting you know that Quinn is staying in my dorm tonight" I tell her and she nods. "Okay, thank you. I was worried about where she was" She says and I smile.

"That's all. Goodbye," I say and walk back to my dorm. Me and Quinn's dorms were right next to each other, which was quite handy.

I close the door and see Clayton brushing his teeth in the bathroom in just a pair of sweatpants.

"Take a photo, it last longer" He suddenly says, as he puts his toothbrush down and splashes his face with water.

"But I prefer the real thing," I say as I walk up to him just as he turns around. He wraps his arm and my waist, pulling me closer.

"Can't argue with that" He whispers before connecting our lips. I place my hands on his bare chest and he pulls me closer.

He runs his tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I grant. His tongue explores my mouth as I let out a small moan.

His grip on my waist tightens as he breaks the kiss and moves to my neck. He picks a spot and starts sucking at it, causing a pleasurable sensation.

He suddenly bites down on my skin, causing me to let out a moan before I could even try to stop myself.

He pulls away and smirks before kissing my forehead and walking over to his bed. I catch my breath before walking over to my wardrobe and grabbing some pyjamas.

I go to the bathroom and change, before brushing my teeth and washing my face.

I walk over to Clayton's bed and lie down beside him. His arms wrap around me, tucking me into his chest. Causing me to feel safe. I mumble a goodnight before closing my eyes and letting sleep take over.


I woke up the next morning at ten, surprised to see Quinn still asleep.

I go to the bathroom where I change and brush my teeth. When I step out I see Quinn awake on her phone.

"Morning," She says with a small smile. "Morning. How are you feeling?" I ask as I sit down on the end of my bed.

"Better I guess. Still a bit shocked. I had no clue that they were even fighting. They seemed to be fine when we last had dinner together. But when I walked into the restaurant yesterday the look in their eyes towards each other was pure hatred" She mumbles.

"And they bickered over the stupidest things. They start arguing over whose napkin is who's. I don't know how I'm going to handle listening to them bicker like children for two weeks straight" Quinn muttered. Pity filled me as I listened to Quinn. Christmas break was this Friday. And listening to people argue over stupid shit for two weeks would drive a person mad.

"If you want to shower you can borrow some of my clothes. The towels are at the bottom of my wardrobe" I tell her and she smiles. "Thank you. I think I will" Quinn says as she stands up and walks to my wardrobe. "The products on the right are mine," I tell her as she walks into the bathroom. "Thanks," She says before closing the door.

I hear Clayton huff and I roll my eyes. "Don't you dare tell us to shut up" I mutter and he mutters something inaudible. I roll my eyes a pick up my phone.

I dial Lilian's number and she picks up almost immediately.

"Hey Lilian," I say as I lean my head against the wall my bed is beside.

"Harriet! I've been meaning to call you, but I've been so busy. My boss got sick so I had to reschedule the gala for the twenty-third of December. And rich people are a bunch of pricks and start complaining about how 'unprofessional' it is to reschedule an event. Like if it's that much of an inconvenience for you to reschedule an event in your oh-so-busy life, just don't show up. I'm sure no one will miss you" Lilian rants causing me to laugh.

"Sorry for going on a rant there" Lilian laughed. "How have you been?" She asks and I grin.  "Okay, I guess. My roommate is so annoying though. He's a very light sleeper and he keeps sleeping in till twelve and telling me to shut up when I make the slightest sound" I explain as I try to hold back a laugh, knowing fully well Claytons can hear me.

Not even half a second later a pillow is thrown directly at me, hitting me straight in the face and I nearly drop my phone. Dickhead.

"That sounds annoying. Pour some water on him" Lilian suggests and I laugh. "Noted," I say.

"I was wondering if it would be okay to invite my friend to come home with us for Christmas break? Stuff at home isn't the best at the moment and I don't want her to be miserable over Christmas" I say, praying Lilian says yes.

"I don't see why not. Just make sure her parents know. I don't want them thinking she's gone missing or something" Lilian says and I laugh. "Will do. Thank you" I say.

"No problem sweetheart" Lilian says and I smile. "Have a good day Harriet. I'll see you next week. Im going to book the train tickets for one o'clock so you'll get here just in time for dinner. Text me when you get your friend's answer so I know how many tickets to book" She says.

"Okay, I'm going to ask her now so I'll text you soon.  Goodbye, Lilian. And good look with the gala thing" I say.

"Thank you. Goodbye," Lilian says, before I hung up.

"Stop talking and let me sleep" Clayton groans and I scoff.

Just then the bathroom door opens and out walks Quinn. "That was quick" I say and she laughs.

"So for the Christmas break, would you like to come home with me? I just talked to Lilian and she said it would be fine" I tell and she freezes.

"I couldn't do that...It's your Christmas I wouldn't want to intrude" Quinn mumbles.

"You won't be intruding Quinn. It's usually just me and Lilian so it'll be nice to have more company. Plus she's going to love you" I laugh and Quinn smiles a bit. "Only if you're sure it's okay" She says and I nod.

"I promise you. It's perfectly fine" I answer and she smiles. "Okay then sure. I'd love to. Thank you Harriet" Quinn says and I smile. "No problem" I tell her.

"Want to go grab some food? Im starving" I mumble and I quickly text Lilian that Quinn's coming.

"Same" Quinn says as she grabs her shoes.

I do the same and grab my dorm key.

"You coming Clayton?" I ask as I unplug my phone. "I'll be down in a while" He mumbles and I nod even though he can't see me.

I unlock the door and we begin walking to the cafeteria.

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