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Harriets POV

I have a plan.

But it's risky. Very risky. And I don't know if I'd be going too far.

But then again he did put his hand under my shirt yesterday and said he was 'just getting started'.

And if anyone was going to bring this little game we have going on to the next level, it was going to me.

I walked into English class feeling nothing but nerves. I walk to my seat at the very back of the class.

I took my seat and ran through my plan for the millionth time. I see Clayton walk in the door and take a deep breath. A part of me was kind of hoping he skipped so I wouldn't have to go through with this.

He took his seat but I didn't spare him a glance.

I don't know why I was so nervous. He never seems nervous so why the hell am I?

I take another deep breath and ignore the nerves Im feeling. Ms. Sydney walks in and tells us to take notes on the play we are going to watch.

The class goes quiet as we start watching a play on Romeo and Juliet.

It's now or never Harriet.

I reach my hand over to Clayton and place it on his thigh. I immediately feel him stare at me but I ignore it and keep looking forward.

Thank god our table was at the very back of the classroom.

I slowly began stroking his thigh, slowly making my way higher every time. His gaze burnt holes in the side of my face, but I ignore it.

My hand slowly grazed over his crotch, and I waited to see if he'd slap my hand away and tell me I went too far. But a few seconds go by, and he does. He stares, and I keep pretending I dont notice.

I started stroking him through his pants, all while looking at Romeo and Juliet. I felt him hardening in my hand, and the act was so hot I felt myself getting a bit aroused. Focus Harriet.

In the corner of my eye, I saw him move his elbow onto the desk and use his hand to cover his mouth as he tried to act as unbothered as possible.

My strokes were enough to provide pleasure, but not enough to get him off. It was torture. For him, of course. I was enjoying this way too much.

He was so hard it had to be painful, and I thought that now was the perfect time to stop. I removed my hand and finally looked at him.

He glared at me all while I had the biggest smirk on my face. He had removed his hand from his mouth, and I noticed he was breathing quicker than normal.

Karma bitch.


I am terrified.

It was two am and I'm only now realizing that what I did to Clayton in English, will probably have consequences. The consequence is, he will get me back.

And worse, I had English tomorrow.

Although I am scared, I am not regretful. The look of frustration on his face when I pulled away was worth millions.

However, him being so frustrated meant I was fucked.

I looked over at a sleeping Clayton. He looked so peaceful when he's asleep. His bare chest rises up and down every few seconds.

I never get a chance to admire his beauty. Since every time I look at him, he has to open his mouth and make me want to spray bug repellent on him.

It was really quite a shame he was so attractive yet had the personality of a rock.

Realizing that I wasn't going to be falling asleep anytime soon, I got up and flipped over my small bin to use as a stool to see out the window.

In every dorm, there is a high-up window to provide natural light. The dorms on this floor had bigger windows than the other dorms, also two fire extinguishers and a ladder that we could hook onto the window in case we needed an emergency exit.

What doesn't make sense to me is, they only have this in dorm F. Like, yeah, we commit arson one time.Doesn't mean we set fire to everything 24/7. And I think the school forgets that other floors could still start fires.

And the cherry on top is that they put the windows too high. So if you want to escape you have to either have good upper body strength or be over 6'2. And unfortunately for me, I am either.

I looked out the window and see there isn't a cloud in the sky; just stars.

When I was younger I used to want to study space, but my mother was quick to inform me that I would never be smart enough for that.

"Don't tell me you're planning on jumping".

I jump causing me to fall back off my makeshift stool. Instead of hitting the ground, I fell into a warm chest stopping me from doing so. Hands gripped my hips as I steadied myself.

"Jesus Harriet," Clayton says. I turn around and look at him. "You scared me dickhead" I scowl. "What the hell are you doing up?" I ask.

"Could ask you the same thing" He answers. "Couldn't sleep" I shrug. "Well I could sleep but your little star-gazing session woke me up. So go to bed and be quiet" Clayton mumbles.

"Plus I'm not in the mood to listen to you complain about how tired you are tomorrow" He adds. I roll my eyes and slap his chest. His bare chest.

I only now realised how close we were and how his hands were still resting on my hips. How didn't I noticed that? Maybe because it felt so natural..

Shut up.

I then noticed the tattoos that were on his chest. There was a dagger with a rose wrapped around it on his right peck, a small cartoon ghost on his right shoulder, there was a small alien spaceship abducting a kid on his left collarbone, and underneath it was a small daisy and a peice of lavender.

They are so random.

"Harriet" Clayton whispers. I look away from his tattoos and look back at him. "Yes?" I whisper.

Why are we whispering?

"Go to bed Harriet" He whispers, and I nod in response, yet neither of us make any move to go back to bed.

It's hard to see since my small bedside lamp is the only thing preventing complete darkness.

I can smell the faint scent of his cologne, that lingers around him from the day before. The smell I've grown familiar with over the last few weeks automatically makes me feel relaxed, which makes zero sense.

"Harriet" Clayton says, tearing me from my thoughts.

"Right. Night" I mumble as I walk away from him and back over to my bed. I lie down, pulling the covers over me, and turn my back to him, preparing to spend the next hour staring at the ceiling since I was far from tired.

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