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Harriet's POV

I've been here a month now and honestly, it's not that bad. The food is nice, I have a few friends and no one has bothered me at all yet. But if I had to change anything, it would be my roommate.

Clayton is still a dick. No surprise there. He hates the fact that me, Elijah and Ezra are friends. He always glares at me for no reason and it's extremely irritating.

But I've grown immune to his childish behaviour.




I scoff and roll my eyes."Raspberry jam is the best jam. End of story".

"No it's not!  Blackberry is. End of" Elijah snaps back.

Don't ask me how this argument started. But I'm dead set on winning it.

"Blackberry jam tastes like a camel's ass!" I yell back. "No raspberries jam does!" He yells back.

"Is no one going to question how they know what a camel's ass tastes like?-" "Ezra shut the fuck up!" We both yell.

"I still think marmalade is better" Quinn adds. "Marmalade? Seriously?" He asks in disbelief. "That's like, the most basic flavour of jam," I say.

"So?" She asks. I shake my head. "Quinn, what is wrong with you?" I ask.

She scowls and flips me off, causing us to laugh.

I suddenly see Clayton walking towards our table and my laughter immediately stops.

He sits down beside Ezra and whispers something in his ear. Ezra nods and then kicks Elijah from under the table to get his attention. He nodded his head to the door and Elijah seemed to get the message.

"We have to go talk to a teacher. See you guys later" He says before him and his brother walk out of the cafeteria. Wonder what that's about.

Me and Quinn sit there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"You like jam?.." Quinn asks him. He looks at her very unamused, causing me to snort. "Yes" Clayton answers. I roll my eyes at his response."Care to elaborate or?".

He simply glared at me before going on his phone.

"Why are you so rude all the time?" I ask. Clayton looks at me with a bored look. "What?" He says. "Quinn was simply trying to make conversation with you and you put in no effort," I tell him.

"You so realise I don't have to talk to her if I don't want to right?" He answers back calmly.

"It's polite too, "I tell him. He leans forward onto the table and puts on a fake smile "Well maybe I'm just not polite".

"Yeah, I can tell" I mutter. "Just because I don't want to talk with you doesn't mean Im rude you know?" He sighs.

"Yeah, It kind of does" I say. "No, it doesnt.You're just being a dramatic bitch like always" He scowls.

He did not just call me a bitch.

"Excuse me?" I snap. "You heard me" He simply answers, before turning back to his phone. I look back at Quinn, only to see her not there. She must have left while we were arguing.

Not wanting to be in his presence any longer, I got up and stormed off. He pisses me off so much.

I was on my way to my door, when suddenly I bumped into someone, causing me to stumble a bit.

"Shit sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going" I said as I regained my balance.

"Obviously" I familiar voice said, causing me to look up immediately.

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