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Harriet's POV

I woke up at 8 am and went and got ready. Clayton, as usual, was still asleep. I grabbed my uniform and went to the bathroom.

The school uniform was a plain black skirt that reached just above my knees, a white shirt with a blue plaid tie and a cobalt blue v-neck jumper that had the school crest on it.

I hate the uniform. I much preferred wearing my own clothes.

Once I was done changing, I brushed my teeth and my hair and put on some make-up. I was never good at eyeshadow or eyeliner so I just kept it as simple as possible. I mostly just used it to cover my acne.

Once I was done I stepped out of the bathroom and was surprised to see Clayton still asleep. He usually either wakes up or magical appears when I'm in the bathroom.

I debated whether or not to wake him up, but I decided not to in the end.

I check the time on my phone at see it's 8:12 am. I also see that I got a text from Lilian.

Have a great first day

I grabbed my bag and key before heading out the door.

I knock on Quinn's door and wait a few seconds before Quinn answers the door. "Morning Harriet! I'll just be a second" She says before walking to what Im assuming is her bed and start stuffing stuff in her bag."Take your time" I say as I lean against the door frame.

The bathroom door opened and out walked a girl who Im assuming is Quinn's roommate.

She notices me and smiles. "Hey Im Alexa, Quinn's roommate," She says. "I'm Harriet," I say and shoot her a smile. "I know. Quinn's been talking none stop about her new friend" She laughs, causing Quinn to groan.

"Alexa you're embarrassing me" She mumbled, causing us to laugh. Alexa then walks over to Quinn and pats her back. "That's my job," Alexa says.

Quinn shoots her a glare before grabbing her bag and walking out the door, slamming it in the process. "God she's so embarrassing" She mumbled, making me laugh.

"You two seem very close, have you been roommates long?" I asked her. "Yeah, we've been roommates ever since I got here. She's my cousin and the school usually puts family together" Quinn says. "Wait Alexa's your cousin?" I ask. Quinn simply nods. "She came here a year before me. She lit a barrel on fire which somehow lead to an abandoned building burning down" She says.

"Holy shit"I mutter, causing Quinn to laugh.

We make a quick stop to the cafeteria because Quinn wanted a croissant.I didn't get anything as I wasn't hungry. The first class we had was maths, unfortunately. I follow Quinn, as I had no clue where I was going.

We were one of the first people there, which meant we could get good seats. We sat at the back of the class near a window. Ten minutes later our maths teacher, Mr Spencer came in.

I knew from the second he walked in he was going to be a pain in the ass. And I was right. Because within the first five minutes of class, he gave out to me for chewing gum.

This year was going to be fun.


By the end of the day, I wished I dropped out. I forgot how much I despised school.

The last class I had was a mental health class. I had learned from Quinn that it was a fancy word for crappy group therapy. She says they treat you like fragile little eight-year-olds, and ask about your favourite colour and shit like that. All level two and three's have to attend 'mental health class' once a week.

I don't know why the school assumes that we need therapy but hey, it's better than maths.

This was one of the few classes me and Quinn didnt have together, so I had to find the class on my own. Fortunately, it wasn't that hard to find. When I walked in I saw a bunch of chairs in a circle. I took a seat in one of the chairs closest to the door and went on my phone while I waited for the class to start.

A few minutes later I see from the corner of my eye someone sitting on the chair next to me.

I had been hoping that they put down too many chairs and that the one next to me would be left empty. But unfortunately that didn't happen.

"Hey, Harriet" I look up and see Alexa sitting down beside me. Thank god the universe decided not to be a dick.

"Hey Alexa" I smiled back. Before I could say anything else, the teacher walked in and sat on the far side of the circle.

"Hello everyone. My names Ms O'Reilly and I will be your teacher for this year"She says.

For the next twenty minutes, she made us do stupid stuff like say what was one emotion we felt today or what is one thing we wish for. Although that probably wasn't the best question to ask because there was a lot of people wishing death upon people.

"Okay, now for the last twenty minutes I want you to partner up with the person beside you and get to know each other" She says.

I was suddenly very grateful Alexa sat next to me. I turned my chair to face her and she mirrored my actions.


When the bell rings, I'm probably one of the first people out the door.

I told Quinn I'd meet her in the cafeteria, so that's where I'm heading.

When I got to the cafeteria, I saw that it was fairly busy. I look around and eventually spot Quinn sitting by herself.

I walk over and dramatically sit down opposite her with a sigh, causing her to giggle.

"Good first day?" She asks sarcastically." Im regretting not dropping out" I groan. "Yeah you should of while you had the chance," Quinn says.

"Thank you for that. I feel so motivated now" I say sarcastically.

"Glad I could help", Quinn replies causing me to scoff. "Oh shut up" I mutter while she laughs.

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