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Clayton POV

"I say we kill him"

It's been two days since Issac had to open that annoying ass thing he calls a mouth and ruin everyone's day, specifically Ezra's.

It was easter yesterday, and Jay told us all to enjoy the day and we'll figure it out today.

Easter was amazing. We hid chocolate eggs in the garden for Alora and Becca. Then Jay dressed up as a fucking bunny rabbit and started chasing them.

He thought they were laughing.

In reality, the girls were crying because this giant ass bunny who looked like he'd set fire to a newborn child was chasing them around their garden.

Was very entertaining. Plus, I got it all on video.

Thinking of putting it on this year's Christmas cards.

Nothing screams 'Merry Christmas' more than a beautiful card with a picture of two crying toddlers running for their lives while a giant bunny chases them.

Moving on.

We're all trying to figure out what to do with Issac. He's still locked in our basement, and he will be for a while. If not forever.


Ezra is still in his room.

Ezra may not show it, but I can tell he's scared of everyone treating him differently.

And what Issac said didn't help.

But he'll come down eventually. He just needs time.

The girls are all currently gone on a walk, but they will be back soon. We needed them out so we could discuss what to do.

"We can't kill him Leo" Jay scoffs.

"Why not? We all want to" Leo mutters, and Jay sighs as he rubs his forehead.

"Believe me, Leo, I would love nothing more than to put a bullet in his head. But we can't. Although Mam says she does not care anymore, if we kill him she'll be crushed. Same with Charlotte" Jay mumbles, and Leo groans.

Charlotte is also unaware of what he put us through.

Issac never laid a finger on her. He never really talks to her, to be honest. So we saw no point in making her scared of him by telling her what he did.

All she knows is we don't like him. At all.

She thinks we just don't get on. However, she is aware of how nasty our arguments can get. So she tries to hate him as well, for us.

But no matter how much she tries, we know she doesn't hate him. She desperately wants a father, which is understandable.

But it's sad, because Issac unfortunately, doesn't give a shit about her. And she knows that, yet she keeps trying.

"What if we 'accidentally' shoot him in the chest?" I suggest, and Leo grins.

"Amazing idea," Leo says, and Jay sighs.

"How do you accidentally shoot someone in the chest?" Alex asks, and I shrug.

"I don't know. What if Alora 'accidentally' picks up a gun that was 'mistakenly' placed in her toy box, and then she might accidentally shoot him" I shrug, and Alex rolls his eyes while Jay glares at me.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just suggest we give my daughter a loaded gun so she can murder our father" Jay mutters, and I raise my hands in surrender.

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