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Claytons POV

"Sir please calm down"

Three hours. We've been at this bloody hospital for three fucking hours and they won't let us see her.

As soon as we got out of the ambulance, we were separated. Which I understand.

What I don't understand is why can't I see her after three. fucking. hours.

I don't know what's happening. I don't know the extent of her injuries. She could be dead for all I know.

"Let me see her" I demand and the doctor sighs. "For the millionth time, you can't see her. She isn't ready to have visitors yet" The doctor tells me and I roll my eyes.

"She had burns on her arm. Not a bullet in her chest. Let me see my girlfriend god damn it!" I yell and the doctor steps back.

"You aren't able to see her without her legal guardian's consent" He tells me and my eyebrows furrow. "We are both eighteen. Why does she need a guardian's consent?" I ask and the doctor sighs.

"It's just our policy" He tells me and I scowl. "That's bullshit!" I snap.

"Sir you need to calm down before I call security" The doctor warns and I clench my jaw. I take a step forward before grabbing his collar and pushing him against the wall. "Now you listen here you little shit-"

"Okay, that's enough" A voice suddenly says and Im pulled away from the doctor. I quickly turn around and see Sage and Alex.

Not these shitheads.

"You need to get him to control his anger-" The doctor tells them and I snap my head around to look at him.  "The only reason Im angry is because your talking bullshit" I spit as I turn to face him.

"We've been here three fucking hours and we haven't even been given an update on how she is. Let me see my fucking girlfriend" I mutter as I glare at him. "One minute sir" He mumbles before walking off.

I take a deep breath before turning to face my brothers. "The fuck are you two doing here?" I ask. "Ezra texted us. Said you were about to assault some doctors" Alex chuckles and I roll my eyes.

Quinn, Elijah and Ezra went to go get some food five minutes ago. They tried to get me to go with them but there was no way in hell I was leaving.

"What happened?" Alex asks and I let out a sigh as I lean against the wall.  "Molly" I mumble. "She set fire to our dorm" I explain. Alex shakes his head in disbelief while Sage just stands there.

Sage was a bit weird. He rarely talked and he stayed emotionless most of the time. Sage's speech was perfectly fine, he just doesn't like to talk. He just stands around and listens. Occasionally nodding his head.

Sage is the strongest out of all of us. By a lot. That's probably why he's here. So he could easily just pull me away if I was about to attack that shithead of a doctor.

"What are you going to do?" Alex asks and I sigh. "I'll make sure she spends the rest of her pathetic life in a jail cell" I mutter as I look around for that annoying doctor.

"Is your girlfriend's mother here yet?" Alex questions and I shake my head. "She's in Italy," I tell them and they nod.

"Can we trust you not to attack any doctors?" Alex questions and I roll my eyes. "I'll behave" I mumble. "You better" He warns and I hold my hands up in surrender. "See you soon kid," Alex tells me before walking away. Sage slaps me on the side of my head and ruffles up my hair before following.


"Sir you can go see her now" The doctor guy says from behind me. I nod my head before following him out of the waiting area and down a hallway. "She's right in there sir" Doctor Dude mutters before walking away.

I open the door and see Harriet lying down on the hospital bed with bandages covering her left forearm. She grins once she notices me and relief floods through me seeing she's okay.

I close the door before walking over to her. I kiss her forehead before pulling her head into my chest. "Thank god you're okay" I mumble to myself.

"Takes more than a bit of heat to kill me" Harriet jokes as I pull away. I take her hand in mine and sit down on the chair beside her bed.

"I was so bored. I've just been sitting here on my own for the past two hours. Apart from the one time the police had to question me" Harriet groans as she lies her head back.

"They told me you weren't ready for visitors and I needed your guardian's consent to see you" I mutter and she scoffs. "But Im eighteen," She says and I nod. "That's what I told him. Apparently it's their 'policy' " I tell her as I roll my eyes.

"The school told Lilian what happened. She was freaking out. Tried to fly home from Italy early but there were no available flights left. I spent ten minutes convincing her I'd be okay" Harriet laughs and I smile.

"How bad are the burns?" I ask and she shrugs. "Both are second-degree thermal burns" Harriet says as she holds up her left hand. "Both?" I ask confused.

She pulls up the side of her shirt, and I see a rather big bandage on her left side. "Holy shit Harriet" I mumble, wondering how I didn't notice when I found her. "It'll have a cool scar, so that will be good I guess" She shrugs, not seeming bothered in the slightest.

"Are you in pain?" I ask her worriedly, and she smiles. "Nah. They gave me a bunch of painkillers. The good shit as well. Can't feel a thing" Harriet grins as she shoots me a thumbs up, causing me to laugh.

"What happened?" I question and she sighs. "I heard the door open, and I was confused because I heard you just leave. I opened my eyes and saw Molly standing there lighting a match. I knew what she was about to do so I got up immediately. She threw the match on the floor before leaving. I pressed the fire alarm in our room, but it didn't seem to work. One of the flames of the fire sparked up and burned my arm. Don't ask me how I only ended up with a single second-degree burn. I moved my bedside locker and used it as a stool to reach the window. By then the fire alarm was going off. The fire detectors in the hallway must of went off. I went down the crappy ladder, with a burnt arm so bonus points to me. Then I lay on the ground waiting for my prince charming to come rescue me" She explained, grinning at the last part.

"Not a lot of people would have been able to of stayed that calm in that type of situation," I tell her and she scoffs. "I was anything but calm," Harriet tells me as she lets out a small laugh.

"That's not what I mean. Sure, you probably were petrified. But you still managed to press the fire alarm, before escaping through a window and climbing down a shitty emergency ladder. A lot of people would have just froze" I explain and she nods. "I guess I did stay calm" Harriet shrugs and I chuckle.

"Clayton?" She asks nervously and I look at her.  "Yes love?" I ask and she smiles a bit. "Can you....can you lie with me?.." Harriet asks quietly and a small smile makes its way to my lips.

I stand up off the chair and lie down beside her on the tiny ass bed. She lies on her side and rests her head on top of my chest. Harriet places both her hands on my chest and I put my arm around her waist.

"I've missed this" I hear her whisper and I smile. "Me too" I sigh as I rub a circle on her hip with my thumb.

We lie there in silence for the next few minutes. Just enjoying each other's presence.

God I missed holding her in my arms.

"I don't care that you're in the...Just please stay safe" Harriet suddenly whispered. "I'm always safe," I tell her and she quietly laughs.

"And I don't want to be involved, but I don't want to be completely in the dark. If that makes sense" She mumbled. "I understand," I tell her and she sighs. "Good" Harriet mumbles before I hear her yawn.

"Go to sleep love" I whisper as I kiss the top of her head.

She hums before snuggling into me more. And a few minutes later, the room is filled with her light snores.

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