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Harriets POV

The sound of talking filled my ears as my eyes fluttered open.

I feel an arm wrapped around my waist and I smile. Back to normal.

I start to sit up and the talking stops.

"Harriet thank god you're okay! I brought you some food. And a drink. Do you need anything? Should I get the doctor?-" Quinn babbled and I chuckle.

"I'm okay Quinn, but thank you for offering," I tell her and she nods with a smile.

"How's the arm?" Ezra asks and I shrug. "It's fine. Unfortunately, the painkillers will be wearing off soon so that should be fun" I joke. "How long was I asleep for?" I ask as I lie against Clayton.

"Around an hour and a half" Clayton answers and I nod.

"Thanks to you, classes have been cancelled until Thursday" Elijah tells me and I grin. "Glad to know my near-death experience was worth it" I joke and they chuckle.

"Where are we going to stay now?" I ask. "You'll probably be separated and placed in whatever dorms are free," Quinn says and I groan.

"Like hell we will. The sprinklers didn't go off in our dorm. So the school will do anything they can to make sure they don't get sued. If we want to stay together, they'll make it happen" Clayton explains and I grin.

"Don't you just love blackmail?" I say sarcastically. "It's not blackmail. We're simply going to remind them of the fact that their sprinklers didn't go off during a real fire. And then tell them we would like to be put together" Clayton shrugs and I snort.

"He has a point though. You could ask them to hire you a maid and they'd probably do it" Ezra chuckles causing me to laugh.

"Did they say how long until your arm heals?" Quinn asks and I shake my head. "Do you get discharged tomorrow?" Elijah questioned and I nod.

"Yeah. They said my injury isn't too serious so there's no need for me to stay" I tell them and Elijah nods.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door before it opens and in walks the principal, Mr Barrington.

"Good afternoon. I've just come to have a quick word with Ms Miller and Mr Hendrix" He says as he closes the door behind him.

"I would like to sincerely apologise for the incident that happened today at school. Ms Chapman has been expelled and will be facing further charges. Thankfully, no one was injured too badly" Mr Barringron begins and I shoot him a small smile.

"We apologise for the fault in our fire alarm. We don't know why the sprinklers didn't go off in your dorm, but now that it's brought to our attention we will get it sorted. We have a dorm for the both of you, however, there is only one bed so, unfortunately, unfortunately one of you will have to sleep on a blow-up mattress for the time being. You'll receive an email about it later" He explains.

"Most of the items in your dorm were, unfortunately, destroyed. Any items the firefighters were able to salvage will be sent to your new dorm. Mr and Ms Chapman have promised to cover the charges of any damaged belongings" Mr Barrington says before turning to Quinn.

"As for you Quinn, we are happy to say there has been no damage to your dorm" He smiles and Quinn simply nods with a small smile.

"How did she get into our dorm?" Clayton asks bitterly. I roll my eyes before slapping his hand for his rude tone.

"The dorm door must have been left unlocked Mr Hendrix" Mr Barrington replies with a small smile.

"I left the dorm minutes before the fire. I remember locking the door. I always lock the door. So how the hell did she get into our dorm?" Claytons asks and Mr Barrington sighs.

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