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Harriet's POV

It was eleven am on a Friday and me and Quinn's train leaves in an hour, and I woke up late.

We are leaving at half eleven, which leaves me thirty minutes so we have plenty of time to walk to the train station.

Lilian planned on booking our train for one o'clock but changed her mind and decided she wanted us there earlier.

I took the quickest shower ever and got changed out of my pyjamas. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and when I checked the time I saw ten minutes had passed.

I quickly checked I had everything before zipping up my bag. Im meeting Quinn at the cafeteria, and I need to grab some food before we leave which is why I'm leaving now.

I walk over to a sleeping Clayton and sit down beside him. I kiss his cheek before whispering goodbye.

However, when I went to stand up, my arm was grabbed and I was pulled back down.

"You didn't really think I was going to let you leave me for two weeks with just a kiss on the cheek, did you?" Clayton asked with a grin.

"You were asleep" I chuckle. "You're more important," Clayton says before sitting up and connecting lips.

My heart fluttered as I cup his face in my hands and kiss back.

He suddenly lifts me up and places me on his lap so I'm straddling him. I laugh a bit before pulling away.

"I have to go" I mumble with a smirk and he groans. He buries his face in my neck and begins kissing up my neck.

"No. Stop that. I have to go" I groan but my complaint goes unheard. "Clayton Im serious. I have to go" I mutter as I subconsciously close my eyes, leaning my head to the side to give him more access.

The alarm on my phone suddenly goes off, telling me that it's twenty past eleven. "Times up" I chuckle before slapping Clayton's arms that were wrapped around my waist.

He reluctantly lets me go and I get up and grab my bag. I turn around and see Clayton grabbing a hoodie. I look at him weirdly and he chuckles. "What? You want me to walk around shirtless?" He grins and I smile.

"I just didn't expect you to come down with me. I know how much you enjoy your sleep" I laugh as I grab my dorm keys and phone.

"You need to higher your expectations love" Clayton says before putting on his shoes.

I unlock the door and we walk out.

"Now I know it might be hard, but don't cheat on me with Molly okay?" I say sarcastically and he rolls his eyes. "No promises" He replies and I fake gasp.

When we get to the cafeteria, we see Quinn and the twins talking. I walk up to the very short queue and get a small fruit salad for some breakfast.

Clayton and I sit down at the table and Quinn sighs. "I thought you slept in. I was about to go bang on your door" She says and I playfully hit her arm.

"You guys going home tomorrow, aren't you?" I ask the guys. "No the day after" Ezra says and I nod before eating my food.

"How longs is the train ride going to be?" Elijah asks and I groan. "Four hours" I mutter and Elijah laughs.

I finish my food and then look at the time on my phone. "We better get going Quinn" I say and she agrees "See you guys next week" I say as we stand up and they nod.

I quickly kiss Clayton before going to grab my bag. But I freeze when I hear someone dying.

I look up and see Ezra choking on what seems to be orange juice. He was coughing profoundly, while Elijah and Quinn look like they saw a ghost.

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