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Harriet's POV

It was half seven in the morning and I was getting ready for school when I got a text.


Meet me in the library


I grab my bag and head off to the library. Clayton was surprisingly gone before I woke up which is weird since he rarely gets up early.

I walk into the library and see Quinn at the back. I head towards her and as I get closer she sees me and takes a deep breath.

"Harriet thank god" She sighs. "I need your help" She whisper yells. I stare at her cautiously. "what did you do" I ask warily.

She scoffs and slaps my arm. "Nothing, dumbass". I'm now even more confused than I was before. "Remember I said I was getting tutored in science?" Quinn says.

"Oh yeah. I've been meaning to ask how's it been going?" I ask and she groans. "It was going okay, but then my tutor quit tutoring! And guess who my new tutor is?" Quinn groans.

"Who?" I ask. "Elijah!" She huffed.  I look at her confused. "Wait but isn't that good? You and Elijah are friends" I questioned. "I may have forgotten to mention...that I might..like him...Just a tiny bit though" She mumbles.

I stare at her in shock causing her to scoff. "Oh don't act so surprised! He's hot and funny, of course I'm going to like him" She muttered.

"Ok...well what do you want me to do? I can't tutor you if that's what you're asking. I'm barely passing" I laugh. "Oh please. Getting tutored by you would be a one-way ticket to failure" She laughs

"Rude" I mutter. "But seriously what do you want me to do?" I ask. Quinn huffs. "I don't know. Just help me. Tell me what to do"She groans. "Okay so you're going to walk into the room, take a seat in this thing called a chair-" Quinn cuts me off. "Oh fuck off" She cries before walking off.

"Text me how it goes!" I yell after her, causing her to flip me off as she leaves. I laugh and then spot the librarian shooting me a glare. I look down sheepishly before leaving the library quickly and heading to my first class.


I was currently sitting in English, counting down the minutes till the class was over. 

Eight minutes to go.

Unfortunately, Clayton didn't get injured on the walk from the dorms to the classroom, so he was sitting right beside me. 

I would glance at him every few minutes to make sure he didn't try anything.

"Harriet, what do you think the main topic of the play was?" Ms Sydney suddenly asks me. "Um, I think the topic-" My breath hitches when I feel Clayton's hand on my thigh.

"Harriet is everything okay?" Ms Sydney asked as Clayton slowly started to caress the inside of my thigh with his thumb. "Yeah, sorry. I think the main topic was love" I mumble. Ms Sydney nods before turning back to the class.

Clayton's hand slowly made its way higher and higher up my thigh. Of course, the uniform had to be a fucking skirt.

Every time his hand would approach my underwear, he would slowly trail his hand back down to my lower thigh and start again. I could feel his eyes on me, no doubt staring at my face which was probably as red as a fucken tomato.

I quickly glanced over at him and saw him wearing a small amused smile. I glare at him causing him to chuckle. He trailed his hand higher and higher up my thigh, but instead of moving it back down like he usually did, he put his fingers on the top of my underwear and started to gently rub me through the thin material.

I quickly covered my mouth with my hand to avoid any sounds from slipping out. At this point, neither of us were paying attention to whatever Ms Sydney was talking about. I look over Clayton again to see him staring at me with what looked to be...admiration.

And for some reason that did something to me. It made my stomach feel weird.

He suddenly pushed the material of my underwear to the side and slipped two fingers into my underwear and I had to bite my tongue to avoid letting out a moan. His eyes scan my face for any signs of discomfort or fear, but there wasn't any. Cause truth be told, I was loving this. However, I'd die before I admitted that to him.

His fingers then slowly start to rub circles on my clit. Enough to cause pleasure but not enough to get me off. And that's all he did. For the next six minutes and thirty-five seconds, all he did was tease me. The smile on his face as he watched me grew every time I squirmed or clenched my thighs.

And worse- when my body started betraying me, and I started to move my hips against his fingers, looking for more pleasure, he had the nerve to silently laugh.

But I couldn't help it, I was frustrated and horny. And it was all because of Clayton fucking Hendrix.

Suddenly the bell rings and everyone starts packing up. Clayton pulls his hand away and I let out a sigh of relief. He grabbed his bag and got up out of his seat, all while I was still catching my breath.

He walked past me, but then stopped and leaned down to my ear. "Remember love, you started this" he whispered, before walking off out of the classroom.

Why the fuck did I let that happen?!

I just let Clayton put his hands in my fucken underwear!

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