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Ezra's POV

"That's the last of it" I say as I toss the last framed photo into the box.

I hear Elijah sigh from behind me. Turning, I see him looking around his now empty room. "Shit..".

I chuckle a bit as I take a seat at the end of his bed, looking out at the now empty bedroom..

Today, I'm helping Elijah pack up the last of his stuff.

With Quinn being pregnant- with fucking twins of course, they made the smart decision to move out.

It's been a very hectic move- if I do say so myself. They only discovered they were having twins three months into the pregnancy. Only then did they decide they needed to move out.

Cue the indecisiveness from both parties over what house to buy.

Quinn is now into her ninth month of pregnancy, only two weeks until her due date, and they're only finishing moving out now.

Safe to say everyone was stressed by their last minute move, but I'm glad it worked out.

With Alex, Leo and Sage already moved out, Elijah leaving will make the house feel even emptier.

If I'm honest, I kind of hate it.

I like when we all lived together. I liked fighting over the coffee machine every morning. I liked the madness.

But I understand my brothers have their own lives now, and I'm so fucking happy for them. I just..miss the old days sometimes.

"You okay?" Elijah suddenly asks, sitting down next to me on his bed, drawing me from my thoughts. I hum in response. "This is going to be weird" I say simply.

Elijah sighs. "Yeah..."

This is the first time me and Elijah won't be living under the same roof.

All our life- we've always stuck together. And now...

I'm a bit scared, if I'm being honest.

Elijah stares at me, and we share a look, both of us thinking the same thing.

"We'll be fine" I say aloud.

Elijah clears his throat, nodding his head. " in separate houses isn't a big deal at all".

I nod my head. "Right, right... It's just..going to be odd".

Elijah nods, swallowing hard as he stares at his hands in his lap. Sighing, I throw my arm around his shoulder.

"I'm happy you're moving out by the way" I say, feeling the need to clarify. "Im so fucking happy for you and Quinn- dont doubt that-".

Elijah cuts me off with a scoff. "I know Ezra. I'm happy to move out yet I still hate that I'm leaving".

I sigh, since that's exactly how I feel. I'm happy he's moving out..I just hate their leaving.

"Nothing will really change" I think aloud. "We're the twins. Our identity is literally joint- a little change in our living situations wont change that".

Elijah laughs, and I feel him relax slightly. "Exactly".

Just then his phone buzzes.

He grabs it from his pocket, before letting out a sigh. "Quinn wants marshmallows" He announces, standing up from the bed.

I grimace. "I'm still scarred from watching her eat them with pickles" I mumble, standing up as well.

Elijah shoots me a look. "Man- you would not believe what I've seen her eat with pickles". The horrified look on his face tells me I don't want to know either.

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