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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"Javon, Harper, you both are five minutes late. Give me a good excuse for me to not give you two an after school detention." Mister Michael said as me and Javon entered the room. Everybody turned their eyes to us.

"Uhh, I went to the bathroom and Harper was waiting for me?" Javon said slowly to the teacher, making the class laugh quietly. "Javon don't lie, Javon was showing me the school as I didn't know where the library or cafeteria was." I say smiling sweetly to the teacher. "Sit down, next time you guys will have detention." The teacher said turning to the board.

"That was smart." Javon whispers as we are walking towards the only seats on the back row. "You're just dumb." I say making both of us giggle. "I told you guys to sit down quietly." The teacher said, making me mutter a sorry. While we were walking to our seat, which took us a long time as we couldn't stop making stupid comments, I realised Jaden was looking at both of us, smirking. 

His smirk was to die for, I understand why every girl in this class would pay to seat next to him. But only one got lucky, a girl was sitting next to him, holding his hand.

She's pretty, but I'm prettier.

I could still feel his eyes on us, especially me, until I sat down and he couldn't spot me and Javon anymore. "You seem cool, Miss. Johnson." Javon whispers to me. "Does that mean that I'm aloud to eat lunch with the cool popular kids?" I ask jokingly. "You're lucky I let you." He answered. "I can't wait to meet your famous friends, especially your sister." I go on. "Don't worry, you will meet them in not a long time." He speaks.

We finished arts and surprisingly, I'm better than Javon. We went to our lockers, finding Jaden and that girl flirting next to my locker. Unfortunately, they were almost eating each other in front of my locker, blocking me from opening it. "Umm, excuse me?" I say but they don't listen. I look at Javon and give him a help-me-he-is-your-brother look which he simply just ignored.

Wow Javon, I was honestly liking you.

"I'm sorry, history is important and I ain't going to miss it because y'all are almost fucking on top of my locker, scoop over or get a room." I say pushing Jaden, making the girl look at me with a dirty look.

You ain't scaring no one here love.

"Nice to meet you too." Javon's brother said holding his girlfriend. I ignored and grabbed my shit, leaving with Javon. "Damn girl, I think I love you already, besties for life." "No the fuck we are not, you betrayed me like that? No way." I say. He laughed and wrapped his arm around my neck. "C'mon, you love me." He said. "Don't flatter yourself, Walton." I say giggling.

We walked in the class and now I sat down with Denise as Javon sat with his friend. "Hello class, today we are going to do a group project and I'm going to pick the groups." Oh god, I hate this women already. "First group, Javon, Harper and...." Me and Javon look excitedly to each other. "Jaden." The miss finished and we both rolled our eyes.

I can't with this anymore, someone take me home.

"You have the whole week to prepare this and it needs to be about your favourite year in the Middle Ages." The miss said and then continued joining people for the groups. I looked over at Jaden and I could see that his girlfriend didn't like the idea of him not working with her.

Clingy much?

We went on with the class and lunch break finally started. Me and Javon left and got in the cafeteria, grabbing food and going outside to look for a table. "Oh God, I was craving for this moment." I say eating a chip. "Never mind." I say spiting the chip, it was cold and soft. No one likes cold and soft chips. "Well, get used pretty girl." A girl sad sitting next to Javon. "Hey sis." He said.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now