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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

The last days passed so fast, we didn't even have the time to enjoy them properly. I just know that now I have the hottest tan ever.

I love summer.

"Let's go, we're gonna be late!" Dad exclaims. "You literally are Dwayne Johnson, you are famous enough to stop the plane for a few minutes." I joke as we all rush into the airport.

We did all the boring shit that needed to be done and quickly got in first class, after three hours of waiting.

AirPorts really piss me off.

"Finally." Jayla mutters as we all sit down. We were sited the same way we were when flying to Hawaii.

"I'm gonna miss this place." I say looking from the window.

"Yeah, it was really nice being here." Jaden agrees. "Some crazy shit happened, don't think people are gonna miss us to be honest." Javon points out, and ruins the sad vibe.

"Well, we still go so many weeks until summer is finished, let's rock this motherfuckin bitch!" Jayla exclaims.

"Good plan. Let me sleep first and then we can talk about this again." I say getting comfy, putting my AirPods on and closing my eyes.

Honestly, I didn't give a fuck if someone was gonna talk to me, I won't hear shit.

I think they also agreed with what I said and decided to do the same thing.

And there we go. This will be fucking long as hell.


"Finally! Home!" Mumps shouts as soon as we get out of the plane.

"I want to eat the biggest salad I find." I randomly say. "Are you really craving salad right now?" Jaden laughs. "Yeah, is that a problem?" I frown. "No ma'am." He answers trying to hide his smile.

"I'll see you guys later." I say getting in a different car with my parents. The families separated to go to their house and rest for a bit, since everybody was still very tired from the jetlag.

My parents and I got home and the first thing I did was take a shower. This time with no music, I had a huge headache. I putted my pjs on even though it was still five in the afternoon and went to the living room, putting a movie on.

Moments later, my dad sat next to me on the couch with a new set of clothes and shinny bald ass head.

He took a shower, of course.

"Sup', dad?" I say never taking my sleepy eyes from the screen. "You know, watching the movie with you." He answers shortly. "You can't even hear the name 'Ten things I hate about you'. You say it's corny." I look at him with my brows furrowed.

"Well, I like it now, can it be?" He answers. "Yeah, be my guest." I mutter focusing on the movie again.

"You know, I saw you and Jaden kissing the other night." Dad says after a few minutes of fully paying attention to the movie.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now