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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"Well, we're leaving the room, see y'all in a second." Jayla suddenly speaks, grabbing Javon. "Why are we leaving?" He asks confused. "Because." She answer giving him a look. He rolled his eyes and got up, both leaving the room.

*Beginning of flashback*

"So you're just going with your parents to the premiere?" Jayla asks. "Well, I was thinking of asking Jaden to come with me. You know, as a date. But I don't know if he's going to like the idea." I tell her.

While we were searching for the perfect dress for me to use, the only thing I cold really focus on is if I invited Jaden to the premiere. I really wanted to do it but I was scared that he would say no.

"Girl, yes! Do that! He's gonna love it." She exclaims. "You think so?" I ask with a smile. "Yes! He has a formal suit in his closet that he desperately needs to wear." She rolls her eyes and I laugh.

"I'll ask him when we get home." I say and she nods.

*end of flashback*

"Hey." Jaden says when it's just the two of us in the room. "Hi." I answer back. I feel like neither of us knew what to say.

Oh you know damn well what you have to say.

"Uhmmm..you know my dad's premiere?" I slowly ask him. His smirk never drops his face while he slowly nods. "Lame, right? Well, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come as my date." I quickly spit everything out hoping he actually hear me the first time. "What? I didn't hear you." He jokes.

"You're a bitch did you know that?" I smile. "No, actually. Repeat what you just said." He says.

"Would you, Jaden Walton, like to go to my dad's movie premiere with me?" I ask again more slowly. He gets up and slowly walks up to me. "As what? Friends? Bros? Buddies?" He asks with a smile. He was close enough to me to rest his hands on my waist.

"As my date." I smile.

"I was waiting for you to ask me that for so long, you have no idea." He says, suddenly grabbing my waist with a stronger grip and pulling me into a kiss.

We both pulled away after some time with stupid smiles on our faces.

"We just ruined the dress reveal." He jokes and I chuckle. "I don't think we did." I say kissing him again.


The next day came by very quickly and it was already one in the afternoon, which meant I had to get ready for the thing.

I grabbed my huge speaker and clicked on my playlist. I didn't put the music too loud so I could focus on what I was doing and also hear if someone called me.

"Too Good" By drake and Rihanna was playing while I got in the shower and washed my hair. I took my time and did everything I had to, from shaving to brushing my teeth. It's honestly so good to wash my teeth while showering, it just hits different.

I jumped out the shower when I was done and wrapped a small towel around my wet hair and a bigger one around my body. I then moved to my makeup.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now