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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

Jaden and I were both talking to some random people we met, with our hair still slightly wet from going to the pool.

I could see Malachi's friend, looking at me and Jaden from across the room. He looked pissed and confused.

I honestly don't know why he looks so mad, I should be the one wanting to slap him right now. Let's not forget about the things he said about me downstairs.

"He won't stop looking at us. It's creepy as fuck." I mutter to Jaden, who was talking about baseball to another boy.

He ignored his conversation with the guy and turned his face to me, then looking at Liam.

"Let's go see what his problem is then." He said standing up. "No, Jaden." I tired to stop him but he was very determined to know what the fuck is wrong with that sociopath.

So I followed him.

"Hey!" He shouted over the loud music that was playing indoor. "Sup!" Liam shouted back and faked a smile.

"You know, having lots of fun in your house." Jaden answers with the sweetest smile. "Good to know bro!" Liam answered acting clueless.

"Uhmmm, I just wanted to know why you're looking at me and my friend over there like we did something wrong. Cuz I know for sure that we fucking didn't. It's getting fucking creepy." Jaden spoke, his smile fading completely.

"Well, who told you guys you could just wander around my house?" He answered with a smirk. "Who said we couldn't?" I butt in the conversation, making both their eyes turn to me.

"No one's talking to you, sweetheart." Liam spat back. "Who do you think you are?" Jaden defends me.

"The owner of this god damn fuckin' party." He answers, standing up right in front of Jaden. Jaden didn't step away neither looked away. He wasn't scared of that bitch.

"Just cuz your little girlfriend over there is hot doesn't mean you can talk to me like that." Liam continued and that's when Jaden exploded.

Jaden's hand quickly made its way to Liam's cheekbone, punching him really hard.

"Shit." I mutter.

As soon as I said that, they both went to the floor and started trying to punch each other.

"Fuck, Jayla!" I screamed all over the house. Everybody started gathering around the two boys and I went outside to find Jayla.

She's the only person who actually knows what to do.

She was talking to Mal and Javon, who were all sitting by the pool.

"Guys!" I shouted, their attention turning to me.

"Liam and Jaden are fighting, help me!" As soon as I shouted that, the three of them stood up and ran inside. We tried to pass the huge crowd that was looking and recording the fight and Malachi finally stopped them both.

"The fuck is wrong with y'all?" He said, going in the middle of them.

"Hey! This party is fucking over, go home!" Jayla shouted and Javon started kicking people out.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now