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•᪥𝑱𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"So bro, how's living close to Harper Johnson?" One of the guys asks, giving me a dumb grin.

We were already in the beach and I came to the conclusion that I should've never left the bungalow. Too bad I took that conclusion too late.

"What do you mean?" I ask, really annoyed about this whole shit. "You know, she's so fucking hot!" He exclaims dapping up the others boys around him. "I don't know how that makes it a good experience to live with her." I answer, making him and the whole group look at me. "I thought you liked her?" A blond hoe asks me.

"We're just friends." I answer calmly. "Yeah, did she friendzone you, dude? Shit, she did!" Another guy shouts making everybody laugh except some girls, who would probably kill to be Harper.

I mean, look at me. I'm fucking hot as helll.


"What about you, huh? How close are you to her? Cuz I've never seen you around." I speak. "What do you mean?" The guy asks. "Well, you're joking  about us being friends but, are you the one who knows which lip-gloss flavor she uses? Just sayin'." I point out and some boys try to hold in their laugh.

"Fuck off." He mutters.

Thank God you said that.

"Gladly." I say getting up and grabbing my stuff. "Are you just leaving?" Some ask. "Yeah. Y'all are more boring then my ex." I say ready to go back to my bungalow.

"Well, I never liked you anyways, dickhead!" some random dude shouts. "Her lip-gloss is coconut flavor!" I shout back.

Let's hope not all the people in Hawaii are like these dickheads.

I calmly walked back to the bungalow, thinking about life in general. Or about how Harper rejected me. Why would she even do that? We kissed so many times and now she tells me this. I should not forgive her but a part of me just wants to know, why?

•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

I need to talk to Jaden. So bad. I came to the conclusion that my love for him is truly deep and if our friendship is big enough, then why would a stupid relationship - that we both want - would ruin that? Right?

"Maybe he's still at the beach. You should wait for him." Javon says. "I can't wait. Imagine if he's playing around with one of the girls he left with, I ain't got time for that." I answer nervously.

Suddenly, the door to our bungalow opens and Jaden comes into image.

"Well, I'm gonna go. Wanna join?" Jayla asks Javon. "Yup." He says jumping from the counter and following Jayla out of the bungalow.

"I'm gonna go chill in my bedroom." Jaden mutters. "Wait." I stop him.

"I want to explain myself." I say and he looks at me. "You have five minutes. Nothing more." He  says and I sigh in relief.

He gets closer and I get up from the couch, wanting to tell him everything.

Where do I start?

"Okay so, I didn't say yes because I thought it would break our friendship and then I though and I was like "oh it will work out" and..."

"Woah , calm down." He slows me down for a second. "Explain. Slower." He says and I laugh nervously.

"Well. I really didn't want to ruin our friendship, you are the most wonderful and kindest boy in this world. If I didn't work between us, I would literally break a whole family's friendship." I say.

He rolls his eyes and approaches me. "That would never happen." He speaks.

"Yeah, that's what I realised now. I want to be with you." I admit making him smile.

"Then let's make it happen, Harper." He gets closer.

"I mean, I think we would be a pretty cute couple." He jokes and I giggle.

He wraps his arms around my waist, never dropping his eyes from mine.

"Be mine."

I wrapped my arms around his neck,making our chests touch.

"I'm yours, Jaden."

He then connects our lips in a quick move. Jaden grabs my legs and puts me on top of the kitchen counter, I wrap my legs around his torso and push him closer to me.

His arms never leave my waist and while our lips connect perfectly.

After some seconds, we both pull away with a dumb smile on our faces.

"Jesus. That took you long to say yes." He says making me laugh. "Shut up." I smack his arm softly.

In a second, we hear the door violently open.

"Sup' bitches!" We hear a familiar voice. Except, it wasn't Jayla nor Jaden.

It's was...



Word count: 793


Sorry I'm only posting now but here it is, they're datingggg

(I'm also sorry for the super duper small chapter)

Ill only post again in a few weeks since I need to study A LOT.

But when I post I'll make sure I post a few for y'all! Byeee 💋💋

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now