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•᪥𝑱𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"Let's play Never Have I Ever." Makayla says out of nowhere. We were all talking about random stuff and some of us were even playing football but, we all decided to join and play. Also because, some people in the group had to go home so we were like seven now.

"Who's going first?" Harper asks. "Well, you had the idea?" Javon smirks at Makayla. "Okay. Never I have I ever...used a fake ID." Me, Jake and Dante (another guy from my team) put one of our fingers down.

"Let me guess, you guys all did it at the same time." Michael jokes. "Nah, I don't party with these crazy assholes, I went with my brother's friends." Dante says. His brother is three years older than us. "What about you two?" Harper asks with a calm voice, making eye contact with me. "Yeah, we just went to this small club thing. Pretty fun." Jake answers for me. "Wait until I tell mom." Javon says. "Oh, shut up. You also wanted to come, your fake ID didn't arrive on time." I ask and everybody gasps and laughs.

"Yeah but I never used it. Dumbass." Javon mutters. "Anyways, you two can fight at home, my turn." Dante interrupts me and Javon. "Never have I ever...had a crush on a teacher." Dante says smiling.

There was a tense silence until Jake let out a sigh and pulled his finger down. "Bro!" Noah, who I didn't talk to for the whole day, exclaimed. Everyone laughed loudly teasing Jake. "That is nasty!" Michael said. "Only in America, I guess." Harper says. "Oh, and where are you from, sweetheart?" Jake asks Harps.

"I'm from Brazil, honey." Harper spits back with a smile. "I didn't know?" Javon gasps. "Well, I'm a box full of surprises." She jokes. "You damn are!" Makayla says.

"Okay but tell us Jake, which teacher?" Dante asks. Everyone was dying to know who it was. "The English teacher." He suddenly says and everybody laughs.

"She's hot though, I can't lie." Michael says and Mikayla jokingly slaps the back of his head making us laugh even more. "Ya'll are crazy." I say.

"This was fun and all but I gotta go home, it's getting late." Noah says out of nowhere. "Yeah that's cool. Do you need a ride?" Mike asks. "Nah, my house is pretty close, I can walk there." Noah says hugging the boys goodbye. "Okay then, see you around." I say getting up to say my goodbyes to him.

He hugs me and then hugs Harper. "Bye Harps." He says kissing her on the cheek. "Bye Noah." She says back.

Since when are they that close?

"Okay, let's continue the game, shall we?" Jake says. "My turn." Jake says. "Never Have I ever...kissed someone in this circle." He says.

Me and Jaden both put our fingers down at the same time.

Oh God.

"What? No way! You guys kissed?" Mike asks. "Shocked." Makayla let's out with a chuckle. "Why so surprised? It's so obvious." Javon whined.

"Be honest...how many times?" Jake asked.

Jaden. Do not.

"Maybe two or three times, can't remember." He smirks looking at me.


"Oh my days, you never told us dude!" Dante says dapping Jaden up. "Well, you're  very quiet Harper. Anything to add?" Jake teases.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now