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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"So where are we going, lover boy?" I ask as we get in the car. "It was very difficult to decide but I finally decided that we should go to a really pretty restaurant in the beach!" Jeremiah exclaims happily. "Oh, my God! I love restaurants in the beach, you cannot tell me they aren't the best." I exclaim with the same energy as him.

The restaurant <3 Fun fact: I actually took this pic and this restaurant is located in Beja, Portugal

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The restaurant <3
Fun fact: I actually took this pic and this restaurant is located in Beja, Portugal.

"We're here." He says opening the door and running to open mine. That made me giggle. "Thank you." I say taking his hand. "Of course." He answers holding it tightly. We walked to the restaurant and sat down on one of the tables. "This place is so gorgeous." I say looking around. "Yeah..." he mutters, looking deep into my eyes.

"You know, I've been thinking and we should this more often." Jeremiah says leaning closer to me. "I totally agree, wanna plan where we're going next?" I ask him, making the space between us smaller and smaller. "I think it's your turn to decide." He finally finishes as our lips were completely close.

I don't usually kiss during the first date but...he started it.

As we were about to kiss , an annoying familiar voice stops us. "No way! You guys are eating here too?!" I hear Jaden's voice interrupt our magical moment. "Yeah..." Jeremiah answers with the fakest smile I've ever seen.  "I swear, they make the best ribs here. Let's go sit down babe." He tells Ava, sitting down right next to us.

Fuck you Jaden, honestly.

"Uhmm, cool." Jeremiah answers clearly uncomfortable. "You know if you want we can go somewhere else..." I suggest, knowing that he's kind of bothered with Jaden's presence. "No, it's okay." Jeremiah answers holding my hand.

"So, what are you guys ordering?" We hear Jaden ask from the his table. "We don't know yet." I answer giving him a smile.


He totally did this on purpose.


Our first date was complete shit. Like honestly, Jaden and Ava were always chatting with us and when we tried to kiss or hold hands, they would interrupt us. Then, when we payed the check and left to watch the sunset close to the sea, they fucking joined us. AND still proceeded to interrupt our romantic little moments.

Guess this wasn't going to be the first time I would kiss someone on a first date.

"Let me drop you off." I say as Jaden and Ava were already gone to Ava's house. "Yes, please." I say hopping in his car. I was kinda tired and, I really needed to relax.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now