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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"Good Morning sunshine, time for school!" I hear dad scream, opening the blind and taking my blanket from me. "Nooo!" I exclaim burying my head on my pillow. "Yesss!" He exclaims taking the pillow from me. "Bro!" I exclaim. "I know bro, I know." My dad jokes.

After some seconds of trying to pull me out of bed, which was a complete disaster, dad sat next to me on the bed. "C'mon Herpes, it's your last day of school. Then you just party!" My dad says, giving the last word a bit more enthusiasm.

"Ugh, why can't I miss this week? It's literally just playing games and watching movies." I say. "Harper, you've been the whole weekend out. Let's just do this last five days and you'll be good to go to the other level." Dad says. "Ughh! Okay Dwayne, you win" I say slowly making my way out of bed. "Love you lots, kid." My dad mutters kissing my forehead. "Love you too, crock." I mutter going in the bathroom.

I did everything I had to do and checked the time quickly. 07:55. Fuck.

I grab my bag and quickly go down the stairs, almost tripping and falling. I grabbed an apple, gave my mom a kiss and got in the car with dad. "Damn." I mutter checking the time again to see that I wasn't going to get there on time.

"Well, at least it's just movies and games." My dad joked starting the car.


"Sorry I'm late." I say out of breath, making everybody look at me. "It's okay Miss Johnson. You're lucky it's the last week of school or I would give you straight detention." The teacher says, going back to finding a movie in her computer.

I look around to see my usual seat, next to Javon, taken by a random girl. I continued to look around and see Jaden looking at me and waving his hand.

I go and sit next to him, putting my bag on the floor. "Hey Harps." He says. "Hey Jade, missed me?" I joke. "You have no idea. Guess what?" He quickly says. "What?" I ask, curios. "We're watching a movie." He says smiling.

"No way, really? I had no idea." I say sarcastically looking at the white board that had Netflix on it. "Yeah but guess what's even cooler." "What?"

"Your dad's in the movie." He says and that makes me look at him with widened eyes. "What?" I spit out. "Yeah. We're watching "Baywatch". The teacher said it's for us to fit more into the summer vibe, you know?" He says giving me a smile.

"He's the one that needs to walk in the summer vibe, he was gonna give me detention for being three minutes late." I say making Jaden chuckle.

"Okay class! Let's sit down and look at the board, please!" Our teacher shouts making us all sit down in silence. The movie starts playing and of course, everybody starts commenting about my dad.

"Your dad's hot, Harper!" Someone says.

"I love your dad!" Someone else shouts making everybody laugh.

"Damn, even your dad is a bigger star than you at your school." Jaden jokes. "Shut up." I say softly punching him on the shoulder. 

I couldn't even watch the movie properly because of how loud everyone was being, making little comments about my dad. Some were really stupid and unnecessary, sexualising my dad.

"Jaden, it's not funny anymore." I say with a hurt voice. "You don't like it?" He asks with a concerned look. "No." I say.

After that, someone made a comment and that pissed Jaden off. "Hey! Anyone makes another stupid and disgusting comment about Harper's dad, they're gonna know what's really funny when we're outside!" Jaden screams making everybody shut up.

Thank you babe.

"Better?" He asks as everyone goes silent. "Thank you." I whisper back giving him a smile. "Let's continue watching your dad being the bald star he is." Jaden jokes making me laugh.

Oh but he can make stupid jokes about your dad?


Ugh...bald lifes matter

The ball rang and we all left for our next class. Our next class was also a movie which was pretty boring but I didn't mind cuz that would give me some time to sleep. I sit down on a empty table and expect Jaden to sit next to me but someone pushes him away and Ava sits next to me instead.

What the hell?

"I see you've been hanging out with my boyfriend a lot." Ava says with a fake smile. "You guys are not a couple anymore, face it." I say making her smile grow wider. "No, we just got into a little argument, everything will be fine during summer. But, you wanna know why we got into that fight?" She asks.

"Hum?" I ask her annoyed and tired. "Because of you. Your little jealous ass came around and told him something that didn't happened." She says, never dropping her little smile. "So you didn't cheat?" I ask her confused.

My brain cells are not brain celling right now.

"No, I mean, yes but it's the past and I didn't even meant it." She speaks. "So it was pity fuck?" I ask her. "No! God, no." "Oh, so you meant it." I smirk.

"No! Oh my God! What I'm trying to say is that I'm getting my boyfriend back so you need to back the fuck off." She threatens. "Or else what?" I ask her. "Or else I'll be making you go back to your fucking country."

"Bruh, this is my country, smart ass." I say rolling my eyes. "Whatever." She says. "Is this seat taken?" Jaden asks Ava looking at me. "You heard him. Move." Ava says looking at me.

"No, I was asking if this seat is taken." He says pointing at Ava's table. "Ugh! Whatever, I don't want to stay with her anyways." Ava scoffs doing her little dramatic scene. "Some people here really need to walk in the summer vibe." I joke mentioning what Jaden said in the previous class.

"What did she want anyways?" Jade asks putting his back on top of the table. "She was just dreaming out loud about you and her getting together again." I say putting my bag on top of the table as well so it can serve as a pillow.

"Wanna miss school on Thursday and Friday?" Jaden randomly asks. "I would love to, I just don't know if my parents will let me." I answer thinking about what dad would say. "Well, if me and Javon ask nicely he might let you stay at ours for the weekend. Including those two days." He says making me smile.

"Yeah totally. And you're lucky he's coming to pick me up today."

"Guess I totally am." He says before the movie starts and I fall asleep for the rest of the class.


Word count: 1168


how are y'all?


who has any thoughts on who Jeremiah cheated Harper on with? Give me some answers yall


Anyways, stay hot and healthy amigos and amigas

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now